Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier

Regarded as one of the best Hefeweizen in the world (according to Beer Advocate - - Close to 1400 reviews and holds an A rating.)Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier is brewed in Germany by Brauerei Weihenstephan. They are also known for such great beers as... well.. a whole bunch of beers with long German names I can't pronounce. This beer holds a 5.4% ABV so I'm not expecting too much of a bite by it.

This is my first beer review in awhile... and like always.. I'm expecting big things from the beer.
I probably should be using a Weizen glass for this beer but I don't own one (someone donate me one). I'll use a standard pint glass instead. (But in honor of St. Patrick's Day, a Smithwicks one.)

A - Pretty unrelated to the actual appearance to the beer, but I really like how the bottle looks and I like the cap also. It'll make a nice addition to my collection. Hazy golden orange color. Huge creamy 3 finger head. Bubbles are cascading up heavily so this beer should have some high carbonation. Head dissipated rather quickly and left no lacing at all.

S - The smell is powerful with citrus. Orange to be a bit more specific. Coriander is also present in the smell. I also smell hints of banana and spice. Kind of a bready smell. A really nice smell, minus the spice which I'm not huge on.

T - Mmmm, Banana and citrus dominate the taste. Hardly any of that spice I smelled actually made it's way to the tastebuds which I'm happy about. The sweet banana/citrus taste goes away very quickly and leaves a bitter taste in the back although that goes away as quickly as the sweet taste. Little to no aftertaste is left behind which is no problem to much, just makes me want more.

M - I felt it would be a little bit more carbonated than it was due to all the bubbles. Don't get me wrong this is a highly carbonated beer, but I thought it would be to the point where it was almost like a Pepsi or something. Medium-bodied which I wasn't expecting due to the minimal lacing/head. I figured this beer would be almost watery.

D - Very drinkable beer. More of a summer beer than anything. Still great at any time of year though. Definitely would recommend this to friends.

Two thumbs up! Try this beer guys!

Oh.. and here is the cap I was talking about.

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