There's a lot of hype with this beer. It's considered one of the best Pilseners in the world.
This is going to be my third beer by Victory, the other two (Whirlwind Witbier and Sunrise Weiss) were just downright mouthwatering beers so I have high expectations with this one. I'm convinced Victory doesn't make a bad beer.
A - Slightly hazy, pale golden color. About a 1" fluffy pillowy (if thats a word) head. Bubbles rising like crazy. Looks really carbonated. Lacing is wonderful and just sticks around forever. It's about 5 minutes after my first couple sips and it is just stuck to the glass. Hasn't even slid down an inch.
S - Very fragrant. As soon as I poured it I was hit with a lot of citrus. (Grapefruit and Lemon) Also some honey.
T - Grassy malt is the first taste. Leans a bit more in the sweet department rather than bitter in my opinion. The flavor from the hops actually has way more bite than you would think from the smell. Definitely didn't think it would taste this way at all. Really hoppy for a Pilsener. After the original hops taste begins to subside I found myself left with a lemon taste. A lingering grain taste sticks around for a decent amount of time after a taste.
M -Medium-bodied. In my experiences with pilseners this seems to be a bit more bodied. Very well carbonated but not to the point it's bad.
D - Very refreshing, and crisp. I'm going to cut this review short so I can finish this beer now.
Two Thumbs Up! Yet another solid beer from Victory
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