Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Julius Echter Hefe-Weissbier

Was at Wegmans a few weeks ago picking up a 4 pack of Ommegang Hennepin and for no reason this beer caught my attention. 500ML bomber. I liked the simplicity and attractiveness of the bottle and it was nicely priced. I think it was $2.99. I may be wrong though. I figured, what the hell, why not. Finally getting around to trying a new beer and writing a review.
Hopefully when I ship out and head down to Orlando (If you notice the mouse bottle opener that's where I'm working.) in another month and a half, I will have a lot of down time when I'm not working to sit around and review some beer.

Anyway, this seems like a really typical Hefeweizen. 4.9% ABV and it's German. You'd think you can't go wrong, let's hope so.

A: Cloudy pale golden color. Large thick creamy head that dissipates rather quickly. Also you can see bubbles inside. Nice lacing on the glass.

S: Fruity for the most part. You can smell clove, banana, and a little bit of spice. Pretty standard hefeweizen thus far based on my experience.

T: Spicy in front.. with a taste of clove mixed with pepper. Followed by a dull bread flavor. I'm not making this up. It seriously tastes like bubblegum on the finish. It's unique. I've never really had a bubblegum style taste in a beer. I think I like the way this all mashes together. I'd rather have a spice beginning and a sweet finish than the other way around.

M: Medium bodied although it seems to water out at the end. Nicely carbonated, you can feel a lot of bubbles on the tongue.

D: Pretty drinkable beer. After I finish up this current bottle, I'm sure I could have another. Low alcohol mixed with a great flavor leaves you with a very drinkable beer.

Grade: I wouldn't give it two thumbs up but I would definitely tell you to go give it a chance if you ever see it. You'll enjoy it.
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