Had this beer hanging around in my fridge since around Christmas time. With me leaving for Florida in a couple weeks, I figured it would be a good time to get to the last couple beers that are hanging around in the back. No clue why I've held off on this beer for so long, because I truly do love witbiers. Let's hope it makes me sorry for waiting so long.
I'm guessing they call it "double wit" because it's stronger than the normal witbier. Normal witbier's are around 5%, this one is 7%. Not too bad, but I'm expecting just a slight bite of alcohol from it, which would be okay with me.
Their website looks like it's currently under construction, so I can't find any information about this beer at all, and they don't say anything on the bottle except for "belgian style ale, ale brewed w/ spices."
Well, since I don't have any background information at all, let's get to it.
A: This beer is much lighter than the picture shows, just an FYI. Golden hazy yellow, with a slight head that dissipates fairly quickly. It was actually gone before I was even able to type to this point. You can see quite a bit of bubbles rising to the surface through the pretty cloudy beer.
S: Strong lemon scent, which makes me think the taste might be slightly sour. Pretty much dominates the smell of the beer. There's also a bit of wheat and coriander in the background, but they seem rather faint to me.
T: Lots of lemon up front in the taste, as expected. I'm not a HUGE fan of the taste of lemons, but actually this doesn't bother me too much. It's not sour at all, and actually rather sweet. Along with the lemon, you get spicy notes, which fade into a dry wheat aftertaste. It's not a big taste, but I'm definitely left wanting a little bit more. Maybe I had a different expectation of the taste. I'm definitely let down. Again, it's not a bad taste, but it's just not a large enough variety on the taste.
M: The carbonation is very high. Prickly on the tongue and all the way down, although I'm sure a little bit of that is the alcohol. Light to medium bodied.
D: It's alright. Seems like the more I drink of the beer, the more I start to taste the lemon, and the alcohol. Doesn't seem to be mixed all that well, and it's kind of a turn off the way the lemon and alcohol tastes are overwhelming me. I definitely couldn't see myself drinking more than one of these in a sitting.
Rating: I'd give this beer a one thumb down. It's not a beer a would recommend to someone, yet it's not terrible enough to drain pour.
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