Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Blue Moon Grand Cru

This was a beer that was released in limited quantities in December of 2009 to help celebrate the blue moon that was going to occur that month.
In Belgium, a Grand Cru is typically a rich, bold beer brewed to celebrate the holiday season or another special event. Following the traditional Belgian style, Blue Moon Grand Cru -- inspired by Blue Moon Belgian White -- is brewed with small-batch care, while providing a unique twist on the classic Grand Cru.

An artfully crafted, full-bodied 8.2 percent ABV beer, Blue Moon Grand Cru has rich, creamy notes, with subtle hints of orange peel and coriander, and delivers a warm, spicy finish.

I'm expecting it to taste just like regular Blue Moon with a bite of alcohol to it.

A - Very cloudy and pale yellow color. Lots of junk floating around in the beer. Very high visible carbonation. Left a fairly large head in my Duvel glass, but the glass is prone to doing that with nearly every beer.

S - Strong orange rind smell mixed with slight alcohol. I was hoping for a bit more complex scent, but orange and alcohol sums this up pretty much.

T - Orange peel notes are the first taste to hit, but they fade away very quickly because the actual taste of orange is pretty underwhelming. Coriander and bitter hops follow the orange which gives way to a warming alcohol sensation which is a little offputting for me. It's a clean finish that leaves barely any aftertaste. The orange taste gets a little more bitter and sour the more you drink.

M - Based on the high amount of bubbles, I thought it would have a bit more of a carbonated taste than it did. It was medium bodied and moderately carbonated. Pretty smooth mouthfeel.

D - Based on the taste alone it's drinkability isn't as high as you'd think because I feel the taste alone is poor. Mix that in with the high alcohol and you don't have a very good drinkability.

Final Grade: Two Thumbs Down

I probably won't finish this bomber, and the sad part about it is, I have another one. I got this beer for $5 BOGO.

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