Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Long Trail Brewmaster Series Winter White

The only other beer I've had from Long Trail was their Belgian White, and although I love the style, I remember not being a HUGE fan of it, so hopefully this well be much better.
At 7.2% ABV I'm expecting this to have a little bit more of a bite in comparison to the average witbier since they are normally around 5%. I have a nice big bottle of this so I hope it's enjoyable. The bottle is pretty plain, but I love it. Nice soft colors, so I'm hoping that transfers right to the taste.

I bought this back in late December and I think it was just a limited release considering I can't find any more info on Long Trail's website about it. Let's just cut to the chase and enjoy a beer.

A - Very clear see through gold color. Bubbly with a 2 inch frothy head that dissipates rather quickly. No lacing is stuck on the glass at all.

S - This beer absolutely reeks of orange and coriander. Also there is a hint of wheat to go along with an overall pretty sweet smell.

T - With a beer smelling that much like orange and coriander, it has to have a hint of them in the taste. This is very front loaded with both. Almost has a similar orange taste like straight orange juice. The orange/coriander taste is followed up with almost a dry oatmeal taste. Right and after the oat taste the beer suddenly gets a warm sensation which can be attributed to the alcohol, which does go away rather quickly and leaves you with an almost pepper-like finish.

M - The beer looks big and tastes big, but based on the higher ABV, this isn't a light beer at all. It has big carbonation also and although it looks and is smooth like your average witbier it's not.

D - If I enjoyed the overall taste a little bit more it would have a much higher drinkability despite the higher than average alcohol content. It's got an overall good mouthfeel and the taste isn't too bad, I just am not crazy about it because of the peppery finish/after taste. I can definitely see why some people could be big fans of this beer. I guess I'm just used to the normal light refreshing witbier.

Although it's not a bad beer, I think I have to give it one thumb down. Stay away unless you think this a beer you would love.

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