Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Unibroue Ephemere

My second beer from Unibroue. The first being Blanche de Chambly, which is one of my absolute favorite beers... so yeah this beer definitely has a standard to hold up to.

It's a fruit and vegetable beer. Pretty normal when it comes to ABV. 5.5%

A little bit of background info from the Unibroue website -
ÉPHÉMÈRE (apple)

White ale brewed with apple must

Redolent of ripe Granny Smith apples, this
unique white ale pleases the palate with a
delicate balance of fruit and spice notes and
just a hint of sweetness.

Éphémère apple satisfies with each sip and
refreshes in all seasons, especially when
paired with an artisan cheddar cheese, pork
tenderloin served with apple chutney or Vidalia
onion soup.

We developed the Éphémère (Ephemeral)
series to feature a seasonal fruit in a
refreshing, lightly spiced white ale.

The label depicts a fairy, an ephemeral spirit
associated with fruits picked at the peak of
ripeness during each harvest season.
Éphémère apple flavor is brewed with apple
must, which consists of the freshly-pressed
juice from apples.

Enjoy this beer 'alfresco' while dining in the
afternoon sun, relaxing at a family gathering or
at a picnic in the back yard.

Winner of 3 Gold Medals from the Beverage
Testing Institute since 2002

Let's try it!!

A - Nice yellow color. Pretty cloudy with a lot of bubbles surfacing. Had about a 1/2 inch head that dissipated pretty quickly and left nothing but a small outline around the glass.

S - This beer absolutely reeks of apples. As soon as I opened it, I felt that I was in an apple orchard. Green apples to be more specific. Also maybe a little citrus in there and some bread. But tons and tons of apples. Maybe that is why there is a big apple on the bottle?

T - I thought that based on the smell the apple would be way more present. It's really lacking in that powerful apple taste I was expecting. More surprising the apple taste is way at the end of the taste. I feel that there is more grain than apple to the taste. It's a little sweet, but it doesn't bother me, I'm sure there some people out there that would absolutely hate it. I don't though. Also seems like there is a bigger trace of coriander in there, than apple.

M - Very very light mouthfeel. Very juice-water-like but with carbonation.

D - Pretty drinkable beer in my opinion. Finishes without much aftertaste which makes it easy to drink. Goes down really easy too with the lower alcohol level.

Not a great beer, but it's not bad. Pretty average.

It just a one thumb up. Probably won't drink this again, but I wouldn't avoid having it if it were free.

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