Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Brooklyn "Brooklyner" Weisse

My first beer from Brooklyn Brewery. Brooklyn Brewery is a "good" brewery. They don't have any really amazing beers, but they have a lot of beers are are "good." So as far as Brooklyn goes, their beers are average to good. C's to B's in terms of letter grades.
Because of this I'm going into this beer (as I do most of my beers) with higher expectations especially because this is only my fouuth Hefeweizen, and I enjoyed the first three... with one being one of my top 5 beers.
Victory Sunrise Weiss
Flying Dog In-Heat Wheat
Sierra Nevada Kellerweis Hefeweizen

Let's go.

A - Orange/Amberish color. I'd compare it to the color of rust on a car. Let's hope it doesn't taste like rust, although, I've never tasted rust before... it just can't be good and we will leave it at that. The head was a nice quarter to half inch head, but I'm not sure because it dissipated so quickly and left no trail of lacing. The head went away so quickly it's like someone pulled a magic trick in front of my eyes.. I'm not even sure if one was there to begin with. (Okay you get my point)

S - Some people say this is the most citrusy beer they have ever smelled. Yeah, I don't get the same feeling. Sure theres some citrus in there, but it doesn't dominate the smell by no means. Lemon for sure, with some spice. Theres also so banana. I don't really feel anything special from the smell.

T - So far neither the appearance or scent really did anything for me. Hopefully the taste can be a lot better than I'm starting to feel like it's going to be. *Long pause* Little bit of hop bitterness I must say. Some orange and banana. Little spicy. Definitely didn't expect this at all. (Not that it's necessarily bad, it just caught me off guard.) I was expecting something a little bit more sweet. I feel like the finish of the beer is really missing something. I'm not sure what it is, but I really feel like I was just waiting for a taste of something else and I never got it. I guess you could say it falls a little flat. No aftertaste at all. I keep forgetting what it tastes like until I get another mouthful.

M - Carbonation is crisp. The beer feels really light. It's just odd how the taste drops off so quickly. I'm not a huge fan of that.

D - Very drinkable beer. Goes down very easy, and they leave you wanting more with the way you can't savor the taste. Could easily have a couple of these.

I'm not saying this is a bad beer, it's just far from a good beer in my opinion. The taste isn't bad really, it just leaves me wanting so much more.

I think this beer is probably right in line with most of the other beers from this brewery.

I'd give it one thumb up.

I wouldn't turn this beer down if someone offered it to me, but I don't think I'd rush out to buy it again. It may seem like I tore it apart in my review but when I imput all my values on BeerAdvocate it spit me out a letter grade of B-, which I can agree with. A little above average, but not by much.

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