A - Straw golden yellow color. Fluffly inch head. Quickly dissipates to a small white ring around the top of the beer.
S - The smell was actually a bit of a turn off to me. The smell was really just, ehh. Kind of a wet rotting leaf smell, mixed with banana. Seriously, the best way I can describe it is during autumn when it rains and all the leaves on the ground just get soaked and damp. Yeah.. that's the smell.
T - Thank god the taste is a hell of a lot better than the smell or I'd have trouble stomaching this one. (It's rare in my experience that it actually happens like this too.) Banana and clove dominate the taste. You can taste a hint or lemon, or my mind could just be playing tricks on me. I would have prefered to have a stronger banana taste, (even though it dominates the taste it doesn't really smack you in the face like you'd want) It's more of a dull banana taste, although not the least bit bad.
M - A very thin almost watery style too it. Very crisp though.
D - I won't even beat around the bush and say yeah.. pretty good session beer. YOU CAN POUND THESE. I could sit here and drink these all day long.. if they didn't have alcohol in them that is.
But definitely very very drinkable. I'm convinced that even a beer drinker wouldn't taste this beer and spit it out and say disgusting. It's that good.
One of my favorite beers.
Two Thumbs Up!
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