Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Bruery Orchard White

Appearance: First impression.. HOLY BUBBLES! Tons of bubbles in this thing. Looks like a reverse waterfall. Golden yellow color. Huge head. 3+ fingers. It recedes rather slowly (and that's too quick of a term to use) and leaves minimal lacing. Very creamy head.

Smell: Floral aroma is predominant. Very very soft flowers. Almost like a spring garden. Bready smell is in the background of the beer. Also a little bit of citrus. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

Taste: Pretty standard for a witbier. There's a taste in it that I can't exactly put my finger on. It must be the lavender taste that they advertise on the bottle. But like I said, it's a pretty standard witbier taste. You have the corianderand yeast of course... The lavender taste really does dominate it though. It's not well balanced, although I do like the flavor it gives off.

Mouthfeel: Very well carbonated. Almost too the point where there is too much carbonation... but not to the point it's a turn off. Maybe just slightly overdone. Medium to Light body. Probably leans towards the light side... has that watery style almost. I would like it a little more if it were a bit creamier and more full.

Drinkability: It's not a bad beer at all. I paid about $10 for a 750ML bottle of this though, but I'm not so sure if it's worth that. There are many other Witbiers I can get a six pack of for $6-$8 and be much more happy. With that being said, it is a pretty drinkable beer, as most witbiers are. It's just rather expensive for the amount you get.

Overall: I liked it. It would be a one thumb up beer based on my rating system. I probably wouldn't buy it again though. It didn't blow me away. It's an average witbier with a new twist.. the lavender which did make for something interesting, that's for sure.

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