I've never even heard of this beer, nor of the brewery which is Buffalo Bill's Brewery. I'm not sure why I even purchased this beer, but sometimes the best things in life happen unexpectedly.
After doing a little research, it has a very average score on BeerAdvocate, a C+, which has already lowered my expectations. Although it's labeled as a Cream Ale, it's officially listed as a Fruit / Vegetable beer which is a little weird. I'm guessing it's really heavy on citrus aroma and taste. It's also a beer best consumed during the winter months. I guess I'm failing all over with this one already.
Based on the simplicity of the bottle, I figured this was a pretty low-key brewery which is why I've never heard of it. Turns out, they are from California which probably attributes to them being rather unknown in the Western New York area.
I wish I could tell you a little about their brewery, but their website won't load past the splash screen for me. Maybe someone else will have a little better luck.
Buffalo Bill's Brewery
On to the review.
A - The color of the beer isn't a huge shocker. Orange tinted straw colored. Poured a very small head that was gone in absolutely no time. All that is left are some bubbles rising to the top. This beer kind of looks like a watered down orange juice.
S - Very strong orange peel and almost ginger-like scent coming from the beer mixed with some bitter hops. I don't find the scent to be rather pleasant even though I really enjoy oranges.
T - Very surprising taste, sort of. Obviously it's got a strong base of orange. Very full orange taste that practically dominates the beer. Almost tastes how it looks, like orange juice. There's also an adjunct grain taste present, which I don't dislike paired with this beer. It actually flows together nicely. The finish is full of sweet floral hops.
M - Very light bodied, comparable to something like Coors Light. Despite the amount of bubbles at the beginning it has a very low carbonated taste.
D - I have a hard time believing this is a "winter" beer. I totally see this is a summer beer because it's highly refreshing, and due to it being slightly watery and only a 5.2% ABV it's very drinkable.
Grade - I'd give this beer two thumbs up. I guess this reinforces the whole, "You can't judge a book by it's cover....and smell." line. The appearance and smell did absolutely nothing, so I was set up for a big let down. The taste was good! The awesome part is, I grabbed this from consumers out of their broken case rack, and paid only $1.29. Can't beat that.
Overall though, this beer is pretty much orange juice for grown-ups.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Blue Moon Grand Cru
This was a beer that was released in limited quantities in December of 2009 to help celebrate the blue moon that was going to occur that month.
In Belgium, a Grand Cru is typically a rich, bold beer brewed to celebrate the holiday season or another special event. Following the traditional Belgian style, Blue Moon Grand Cru -- inspired by Blue Moon Belgian White -- is brewed with small-batch care, while providing a unique twist on the classic Grand Cru.
An artfully crafted, full-bodied 8.2 percent ABV beer, Blue Moon Grand Cru has rich, creamy notes, with subtle hints of orange peel and coriander, and delivers a warm, spicy finish.
I'm expecting it to taste just like regular Blue Moon with a bite of alcohol to it.
A - Very cloudy and pale yellow color. Lots of junk floating around in the beer. Very high visible carbonation. Left a fairly large head in my Duvel glass, but the glass is prone to doing that with nearly every beer.
S - Strong orange rind smell mixed with slight alcohol. I was hoping for a bit more complex scent, but orange and alcohol sums this up pretty much.
T - Orange peel notes are the first taste to hit, but they fade away very quickly because the actual taste of orange is pretty underwhelming. Coriander and bitter hops follow the orange which gives way to a warming alcohol sensation which is a little offputting for me. It's a clean finish that leaves barely any aftertaste. The orange taste gets a little more bitter and sour the more you drink.
M - Based on the high amount of bubbles, I thought it would have a bit more of a carbonated taste than it did. It was medium bodied and moderately carbonated. Pretty smooth mouthfeel.
D - Based on the taste alone it's drinkability isn't as high as you'd think because I feel the taste alone is poor. Mix that in with the high alcohol and you don't have a very good drinkability.
Final Grade: Two Thumbs Down
I probably won't finish this bomber, and the sad part about it is, I have another one. I got this beer for $5 BOGO.
In Belgium, a Grand Cru is typically a rich, bold beer brewed to celebrate the holiday season or another special event. Following the traditional Belgian style, Blue Moon Grand Cru -- inspired by Blue Moon Belgian White -- is brewed with small-batch care, while providing a unique twist on the classic Grand Cru.
An artfully crafted, full-bodied 8.2 percent ABV beer, Blue Moon Grand Cru has rich, creamy notes, with subtle hints of orange peel and coriander, and delivers a warm, spicy finish.
I'm expecting it to taste just like regular Blue Moon with a bite of alcohol to it.
A - Very cloudy and pale yellow color. Lots of junk floating around in the beer. Very high visible carbonation. Left a fairly large head in my Duvel glass, but the glass is prone to doing that with nearly every beer.
S - Strong orange rind smell mixed with slight alcohol. I was hoping for a bit more complex scent, but orange and alcohol sums this up pretty much.
T - Orange peel notes are the first taste to hit, but they fade away very quickly because the actual taste of orange is pretty underwhelming. Coriander and bitter hops follow the orange which gives way to a warming alcohol sensation which is a little offputting for me. It's a clean finish that leaves barely any aftertaste. The orange taste gets a little more bitter and sour the more you drink.
M - Based on the high amount of bubbles, I thought it would have a bit more of a carbonated taste than it did. It was medium bodied and moderately carbonated. Pretty smooth mouthfeel.
D - Based on the taste alone it's drinkability isn't as high as you'd think because I feel the taste alone is poor. Mix that in with the high alcohol and you don't have a very good drinkability.
Final Grade: Two Thumbs Down
I probably won't finish this bomber, and the sad part about it is, I have another one. I got this beer for $5 BOGO.
River Horse Double Wit
Had this beer hanging around in my fridge since around Christmas time. With me leaving for Florida in a couple weeks, I figured it would be a good time to get to the last couple beers that are hanging around in the back. No clue why I've held off on this beer for so long, because I truly do love witbiers. Let's hope it makes me sorry for waiting so long.
I'm guessing they call it "double wit" because it's stronger than the normal witbier. Normal witbier's are around 5%, this one is 7%. Not too bad, but I'm expecting just a slight bite of alcohol from it, which would be okay with me.
Their website looks like it's currently under construction, so I can't find any information about this beer at all, and they don't say anything on the bottle except for "belgian style ale, ale brewed w/ spices."
Well, since I don't have any background information at all, let's get to it.
A: This beer is much lighter than the picture shows, just an FYI. Golden hazy yellow, with a slight head that dissipates fairly quickly. It was actually gone before I was even able to type to this point. You can see quite a bit of bubbles rising to the surface through the pretty cloudy beer.
S: Strong lemon scent, which makes me think the taste might be slightly sour. Pretty much dominates the smell of the beer. There's also a bit of wheat and coriander in the background, but they seem rather faint to me.
T: Lots of lemon up front in the taste, as expected. I'm not a HUGE fan of the taste of lemons, but actually this doesn't bother me too much. It's not sour at all, and actually rather sweet. Along with the lemon, you get spicy notes, which fade into a dry wheat aftertaste. It's not a big taste, but I'm definitely left wanting a little bit more. Maybe I had a different expectation of the taste. I'm definitely let down. Again, it's not a bad taste, but it's just not a large enough variety on the taste.
M: The carbonation is very high. Prickly on the tongue and all the way down, although I'm sure a little bit of that is the alcohol. Light to medium bodied.
D: It's alright. Seems like the more I drink of the beer, the more I start to taste the lemon, and the alcohol. Doesn't seem to be mixed all that well, and it's kind of a turn off the way the lemon and alcohol tastes are overwhelming me. I definitely couldn't see myself drinking more than one of these in a sitting.
Rating: I'd give this beer a one thumb down. It's not a beer a would recommend to someone, yet it's not terrible enough to drain pour.
I'm guessing they call it "double wit" because it's stronger than the normal witbier. Normal witbier's are around 5%, this one is 7%. Not too bad, but I'm expecting just a slight bite of alcohol from it, which would be okay with me.
Their website looks like it's currently under construction, so I can't find any information about this beer at all, and they don't say anything on the bottle except for "belgian style ale, ale brewed w/ spices."
Well, since I don't have any background information at all, let's get to it.
A: This beer is much lighter than the picture shows, just an FYI. Golden hazy yellow, with a slight head that dissipates fairly quickly. It was actually gone before I was even able to type to this point. You can see quite a bit of bubbles rising to the surface through the pretty cloudy beer.
S: Strong lemon scent, which makes me think the taste might be slightly sour. Pretty much dominates the smell of the beer. There's also a bit of wheat and coriander in the background, but they seem rather faint to me.
T: Lots of lemon up front in the taste, as expected. I'm not a HUGE fan of the taste of lemons, but actually this doesn't bother me too much. It's not sour at all, and actually rather sweet. Along with the lemon, you get spicy notes, which fade into a dry wheat aftertaste. It's not a big taste, but I'm definitely left wanting a little bit more. Maybe I had a different expectation of the taste. I'm definitely let down. Again, it's not a bad taste, but it's just not a large enough variety on the taste.
M: The carbonation is very high. Prickly on the tongue and all the way down, although I'm sure a little bit of that is the alcohol. Light to medium bodied.
D: It's alright. Seems like the more I drink of the beer, the more I start to taste the lemon, and the alcohol. Doesn't seem to be mixed all that well, and it's kind of a turn off the way the lemon and alcohol tastes are overwhelming me. I definitely couldn't see myself drinking more than one of these in a sitting.
Rating: I'd give this beer a one thumb down. It's not a beer a would recommend to someone, yet it's not terrible enough to drain pour.
Pabst Blue Ribbon
I felt it would be fun to do a review of this type. I've never had PBR and I've heard mixed reviews about it for years. People love it, people hate it. Regardless, it's in the high 70s right now, I just got out of work, took a shower, and I'm sitting here sweating. Perfect time for a refreshing beer.
So.. here we are.. American Adjunct Lagers. Some of the finest beers in existence are of this type (HAR HAR) - - Budweiser, Miller High Life, Coors, Corona, Blue, Busch, classic.. tasty beers. Am I right? Pabst should be right up there on this pristine list of American staples.
I'm actually excited to try this beer, and I'm going to try to write a serious review on it.
A: Was actually surprised by the amount of head that accumulated on the pour. 10 seconds later though, as expected, it's all pretty much gone. Rather soapy looking head though. I'm shocked how see-through this beer really is. Pretty much looks like carbonated colored water. The color though is a very light yellow. Very light lacing left behind.
S: A lot of people say PBR reeks of an awful offensive skunky sour smell (I think those are just people trying to knock it.) I don't smell that at all. In fact I don't smell much at all... maybe some hops with a slight bread smell. That's about it.
T: Hoppy bitterness in the front. More hoppy than I thought based on the lack of a smell. The bitter hoppy front gives away to a dry almost wheat-like finish. Not a bad taste at all. Based on some horror stories I was expecting something a lot different. I'm not going to sit here and say it has this huge amazing flavor. It really doesn't. But if you take it for what it's worth and for what it is.. it's actually a pretty good flavor. So if you rate this against a Russian Imperial Stout, Hefeweizen, Tripel, etc.. you'll obviously be disappointed and say it sucks. If you put it against your average American Adjunct Lager, you definitely can't be disappointed with the taste.
M: Very light bodied. It's crisp and refreshing. Everything you could want out of this kind of beer.
D: On a nice warm day, you can get caught up drinking one after another. High drinkability mixed with low alcohol leaves you wanting more.
Grade: I can't find any real flaws with PBR. Obviously it wouldn't be my first choice, but I could definitely see myself having a few of these stocked in the fridge at all times when I just want a quick beer to drink. It's cheap.. (I think I paid $6 for 12pk) and it's decent. Can't really ask for more, can you? I mean for a beer that is so dirt cheap to buy, it's a quality deal. I would take PBR over BMCs any day, no questions asked.
I'm sure most of you guys have had PBR so I would love to get some feed back and some reviews possibly.
My grade.. and take it with a grain of salt.. I'm not telling you to rush out and start pounding PBR because it's such a high quality beer (although I'm sure most of you have had those experiences with it).. my grade is two thumbs up.
So.. here we are.. American Adjunct Lagers. Some of the finest beers in existence are of this type (HAR HAR) - - Budweiser, Miller High Life, Coors, Corona, Blue, Busch, classic.. tasty beers. Am I right? Pabst should be right up there on this pristine list of American staples.
I'm actually excited to try this beer, and I'm going to try to write a serious review on it.
A: Was actually surprised by the amount of head that accumulated on the pour. 10 seconds later though, as expected, it's all pretty much gone. Rather soapy looking head though. I'm shocked how see-through this beer really is. Pretty much looks like carbonated colored water. The color though is a very light yellow. Very light lacing left behind.
S: A lot of people say PBR reeks of an awful offensive skunky sour smell (I think those are just people trying to knock it.) I don't smell that at all. In fact I don't smell much at all... maybe some hops with a slight bread smell. That's about it.
T: Hoppy bitterness in the front. More hoppy than I thought based on the lack of a smell. The bitter hoppy front gives away to a dry almost wheat-like finish. Not a bad taste at all. Based on some horror stories I was expecting something a lot different. I'm not going to sit here and say it has this huge amazing flavor. It really doesn't. But if you take it for what it's worth and for what it is.. it's actually a pretty good flavor. So if you rate this against a Russian Imperial Stout, Hefeweizen, Tripel, etc.. you'll obviously be disappointed and say it sucks. If you put it against your average American Adjunct Lager, you definitely can't be disappointed with the taste.
M: Very light bodied. It's crisp and refreshing. Everything you could want out of this kind of beer.
D: On a nice warm day, you can get caught up drinking one after another. High drinkability mixed with low alcohol leaves you wanting more.
Grade: I can't find any real flaws with PBR. Obviously it wouldn't be my first choice, but I could definitely see myself having a few of these stocked in the fridge at all times when I just want a quick beer to drink. It's cheap.. (I think I paid $6 for 12pk) and it's decent. Can't really ask for more, can you? I mean for a beer that is so dirt cheap to buy, it's a quality deal. I would take PBR over BMCs any day, no questions asked.
I'm sure most of you guys have had PBR so I would love to get some feed back and some reviews possibly.
My grade.. and take it with a grain of salt.. I'm not telling you to rush out and start pounding PBR because it's such a high quality beer (although I'm sure most of you have had those experiences with it).. my grade is two thumbs up.
Julius Echter Hefe-Weissbier
Was at Wegmans a few weeks ago picking up a 4 pack of Ommegang Hennepin and for no reason this beer caught my attention. 500ML bomber. I liked the simplicity and attractiveness of the bottle and it was nicely priced. I think it was $2.99. I may be wrong though. I figured, what the hell, why not. Finally getting around to trying a new beer and writing a review.
Hopefully when I ship out and head down to Orlando (If you notice the mouse bottle opener that's where I'm working.) in another month and a half, I will have a lot of down time when I'm not working to sit around and review some beer.
Anyway, this seems like a really typical Hefeweizen. 4.9% ABV and it's German. You'd think you can't go wrong, let's hope so.
A: Cloudy pale golden color. Large thick creamy head that dissipates rather quickly. Also you can see bubbles inside. Nice lacing on the glass.
S: Fruity for the most part. You can smell clove, banana, and a little bit of spice. Pretty standard hefeweizen thus far based on my experience.
T: Spicy in front.. with a taste of clove mixed with pepper. Followed by a dull bread flavor. I'm not making this up. It seriously tastes like bubblegum on the finish. It's unique. I've never really had a bubblegum style taste in a beer. I think I like the way this all mashes together. I'd rather have a spice beginning and a sweet finish than the other way around.
M: Medium bodied although it seems to water out at the end. Nicely carbonated, you can feel a lot of bubbles on the tongue.
D: Pretty drinkable beer. After I finish up this current bottle, I'm sure I could have another. Low alcohol mixed with a great flavor leaves you with a very drinkable beer.
Grade: I wouldn't give it two thumbs up but I would definitely tell you to go give it a chance if you ever see it. You'll enjoy it.
One Thumb Up
Hopefully when I ship out and head down to Orlando (If you notice the mouse bottle opener that's where I'm working.) in another month and a half, I will have a lot of down time when I'm not working to sit around and review some beer.
Anyway, this seems like a really typical Hefeweizen. 4.9% ABV and it's German. You'd think you can't go wrong, let's hope so.
A: Cloudy pale golden color. Large thick creamy head that dissipates rather quickly. Also you can see bubbles inside. Nice lacing on the glass.
S: Fruity for the most part. You can smell clove, banana, and a little bit of spice. Pretty standard hefeweizen thus far based on my experience.
T: Spicy in front.. with a taste of clove mixed with pepper. Followed by a dull bread flavor. I'm not making this up. It seriously tastes like bubblegum on the finish. It's unique. I've never really had a bubblegum style taste in a beer. I think I like the way this all mashes together. I'd rather have a spice beginning and a sweet finish than the other way around.
M: Medium bodied although it seems to water out at the end. Nicely carbonated, you can feel a lot of bubbles on the tongue.
D: Pretty drinkable beer. After I finish up this current bottle, I'm sure I could have another. Low alcohol mixed with a great flavor leaves you with a very drinkable beer.
Grade: I wouldn't give it two thumbs up but I would definitely tell you to go give it a chance if you ever see it. You'll enjoy it.
One Thumb Up
Ommegang Hennepin (Farmhouse Saison)
I've never had a Saison/Farmhouse Ale before, which is what BeerAdvocate.com lists this beer at. So I'm excited to try it.
BeerAdvocate.com lists this style as:
Saisons are sturdy farmhouse ale that was traditionally brewed in the winter, to be consumed throughout the summer months. Not so long ago it was close to being an endangered style, but over recent years there's been a massive revival; especially in the US.
This is a very complex style; many are very fruity in the aroma and flavor. Look for earthy yeast tones, mild to moderate tartness. Lots of spice and with a medium bitterness. They tend to be semi-dry with many only having touch of sweetness.
It's listed as the best example of the style.
I've only had one other beer from Ommegang before, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was their Witte.
A bit higher ABV (7.7%) in comparison to what I normally have., but lately I've been drinking much higher ABV beers than I normally would.
Side note - I totally forgot until I looked at the cap but Ommegang is located in Cooperstown NY. If I ever go to the Baseball Hall of Fame (which will definitely happen someday), I think a trip here would be totally necessary.
A - Very bright golden color. I'm using the Duvel Tulip Glass, and I don't know if this is directly related to the glass itself, but theres a single file stream of bubbles in the middle of the glass just rising continuously. Pretty neat looking. Pretty cloudy with a large frothy, white head. Very sticky lacing is left on the side of the glass if I give a little swirl.
S - I've never had a Saison before so I wasn't really sure what I was getting into, but the smell was totally not what I expected. Almost smells like a Witbier. There's lots of similar characteristics. It's heavy on coriander and lemon. The smoothness of clove is present. It's also a little spicy and if I'm correctly identifying it, it almost smells like ginger is in there.
T - With the initial taste it was very sweet in the front and very dry bready taste on the back end. Based on the smell, I would have to say the taste is a lot spicier than I anticipated, although that's not a bad thing. It's a good spicy taste. Spices and citrus definitely dominate the overall taste of the beer though. Honestly, it almost has this sour taste to it.. like a green apple sour taste. I definitely like it. That taste seems to be hanging around in the aftertaste.
M - Good carbonation on the tongue, yet so extremely crisp and refreshing at the same time. Light bodied.
D - I type pretty fast to give you an idea of things... and while typing this review I've killed off the entire beer except for a mouthful without really realizing it. I can't get enough of this beer. Very high drinkability obviously... well until the near 8% ABV sneaks up on me. Cheers.
Verdict - It's a good beer. Hands down. I was a little skeptical going into it, which is why I think it got buried in my fridge for 2 months. I'm pretty mad at myself for not having it much sooner. This is solid beer, and I wouldn't hesitate to pick up another couple bottles. (Even if I like a beer, I normally will say.. ahhh probably wouldn't go buy it again because it simply didn't just blow me away) Well, this beer blew me away. Two very big thumbs up.
BeerAdvocate.com lists this style as:
Saisons are sturdy farmhouse ale that was traditionally brewed in the winter, to be consumed throughout the summer months. Not so long ago it was close to being an endangered style, but over recent years there's been a massive revival; especially in the US.
This is a very complex style; many are very fruity in the aroma and flavor. Look for earthy yeast tones, mild to moderate tartness. Lots of spice and with a medium bitterness. They tend to be semi-dry with many only having touch of sweetness.
It's listed as the best example of the style.
I've only had one other beer from Ommegang before, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was their Witte.
A bit higher ABV (7.7%) in comparison to what I normally have., but lately I've been drinking much higher ABV beers than I normally would.
Side note - I totally forgot until I looked at the cap but Ommegang is located in Cooperstown NY. If I ever go to the Baseball Hall of Fame (which will definitely happen someday), I think a trip here would be totally necessary.
A - Very bright golden color. I'm using the Duvel Tulip Glass, and I don't know if this is directly related to the glass itself, but theres a single file stream of bubbles in the middle of the glass just rising continuously. Pretty neat looking. Pretty cloudy with a large frothy, white head. Very sticky lacing is left on the side of the glass if I give a little swirl.
S - I've never had a Saison before so I wasn't really sure what I was getting into, but the smell was totally not what I expected. Almost smells like a Witbier. There's lots of similar characteristics. It's heavy on coriander and lemon. The smoothness of clove is present. It's also a little spicy and if I'm correctly identifying it, it almost smells like ginger is in there.
T - With the initial taste it was very sweet in the front and very dry bready taste on the back end. Based on the smell, I would have to say the taste is a lot spicier than I anticipated, although that's not a bad thing. It's a good spicy taste. Spices and citrus definitely dominate the overall taste of the beer though. Honestly, it almost has this sour taste to it.. like a green apple sour taste. I definitely like it. That taste seems to be hanging around in the aftertaste.
M - Good carbonation on the tongue, yet so extremely crisp and refreshing at the same time. Light bodied.
D - I type pretty fast to give you an idea of things... and while typing this review I've killed off the entire beer except for a mouthful without really realizing it. I can't get enough of this beer. Very high drinkability obviously... well until the near 8% ABV sneaks up on me. Cheers.
Verdict - It's a good beer. Hands down. I was a little skeptical going into it, which is why I think it got buried in my fridge for 2 months. I'm pretty mad at myself for not having it much sooner. This is solid beer, and I wouldn't hesitate to pick up another couple bottles. (Even if I like a beer, I normally will say.. ahhh probably wouldn't go buy it again because it simply didn't just blow me away) Well, this beer blew me away. Two very big thumbs up.
This is my first belgian strong ale, so this could be interesting, and I hope I like this because it was pretty expensive.
A little background info on Duvel -
To commemorate the end of World War I, the Moortgats named their main beer Victory Ale. But during the 1920s, an avid drinker described the beer as "nen echten duvel" (a real devil in Brabantian) - perhaps in reference to its formidable alcohol content (8.5% ABV) - and the name of the beer was changed to Duvel. It has become the brewery's flagship beer.[3] Considered by many the definitive version of the Belgian Strong Golden Ale style, Duvel is brewed with Pilsner malt and white sugar, and hopped with Saaz hops and Styrian Goldings, the yeast still stems from the original culture of Scottish yeast bought by Albert Moortgat during a prospection-tour in the U.K. just after WWI.
The bottle I have is the 750ML corked bottle. I'm hoping for a good pop from the cork, don't ask me why.
I know you have to pour it unhurriedly so I hope I do it correctly. This is just supposed to be a beautiful beer all around.
A - Can you say gunshot sounding when the cork is popped? Holy crap that was loud. I poured it unhurried just like they suggest. The beer is pale yellow. The bubbles are rising.. and never-ending. Pretty cool to watch this upside down waterfall. The head is gigantic. 3-4 fingers, and fluffy as a pillow. Lace is just stuck all over the glass. This is probably the best looking beer I have ever seen.
S - Powerful yeasty aroma with a slap in the face of hops and citrus. That's the best way for me to describe it. More specifically it smells like lemon, not orange. Has a flower like smell to it. It's nice.
T - The taste is like no beer I have ever tasted before. It's actually going to be kind of hard to describe. It's actually a little spicy, almost kind of peppery. Once you get past to that it hits you with the citrus. Coriander and lemon. The hop smell is barely traceable in the taste, in my opinion. It's got a real dry smooth finish to it, and the aftertaste is barely noticeable. The alcohol isn't disgustingly high, but at 8.5%, I figured I'd get at least a taste of it. I'm glad I'm not. I like it much better this way.
M -Very crisp, and super carbonated. It's almost like a champagne on the tongue, it's so bubbly. Like I said before, the finish is pretty dry, smooth, and refreshing all at the same time. All that complicated stuff aside, surprisingly, it's light bodied which brings me to the next category of drinkability.
D - Due to it being low bodied and just amazing, makes this an ideal drinkable beer. It's so drinkable that I would say it's borderline dangerous because of the alcohol level. I'd definitely advise to try to take it easy, although you can definitely get caught up drinking a few of these. I'm going to be guilty of finishing this entire bomber much quicker than I had planned. I'm going to cut this review short now so I can get to finishing the beer!
Duvel.. plain and simple. Worth every penny. Don't let the price tag fool you.
This beer is two thumbs up. No doubt. If I were a deformed freak, three thumbs up.
A little background info on Duvel -
To commemorate the end of World War I, the Moortgats named their main beer Victory Ale. But during the 1920s, an avid drinker described the beer as "nen echten duvel" (a real devil in Brabantian) - perhaps in reference to its formidable alcohol content (8.5% ABV) - and the name of the beer was changed to Duvel. It has become the brewery's flagship beer.[3] Considered by many the definitive version of the Belgian Strong Golden Ale style, Duvel is brewed with Pilsner malt and white sugar, and hopped with Saaz hops and Styrian Goldings, the yeast still stems from the original culture of Scottish yeast bought by Albert Moortgat during a prospection-tour in the U.K. just after WWI.
The bottle I have is the 750ML corked bottle. I'm hoping for a good pop from the cork, don't ask me why.
I know you have to pour it unhurriedly so I hope I do it correctly. This is just supposed to be a beautiful beer all around.
A - Can you say gunshot sounding when the cork is popped? Holy crap that was loud. I poured it unhurried just like they suggest. The beer is pale yellow. The bubbles are rising.. and never-ending. Pretty cool to watch this upside down waterfall. The head is gigantic. 3-4 fingers, and fluffy as a pillow. Lace is just stuck all over the glass. This is probably the best looking beer I have ever seen.
S - Powerful yeasty aroma with a slap in the face of hops and citrus. That's the best way for me to describe it. More specifically it smells like lemon, not orange. Has a flower like smell to it. It's nice.
T - The taste is like no beer I have ever tasted before. It's actually going to be kind of hard to describe. It's actually a little spicy, almost kind of peppery. Once you get past to that it hits you with the citrus. Coriander and lemon. The hop smell is barely traceable in the taste, in my opinion. It's got a real dry smooth finish to it, and the aftertaste is barely noticeable. The alcohol isn't disgustingly high, but at 8.5%, I figured I'd get at least a taste of it. I'm glad I'm not. I like it much better this way.
M -Very crisp, and super carbonated. It's almost like a champagne on the tongue, it's so bubbly. Like I said before, the finish is pretty dry, smooth, and refreshing all at the same time. All that complicated stuff aside, surprisingly, it's light bodied which brings me to the next category of drinkability.
D - Due to it being low bodied and just amazing, makes this an ideal drinkable beer. It's so drinkable that I would say it's borderline dangerous because of the alcohol level. I'd definitely advise to try to take it easy, although you can definitely get caught up drinking a few of these. I'm going to be guilty of finishing this entire bomber much quicker than I had planned. I'm going to cut this review short now so I can get to finishing the beer!
Duvel.. plain and simple. Worth every penny. Don't let the price tag fool you.
This beer is two thumbs up. No doubt. If I were a deformed freak, three thumbs up.
Victory Prima Pila
There's a lot of hype with this beer. It's considered one of the best Pilseners in the world.
This is going to be my third beer by Victory, the other two (Whirlwind Witbier and Sunrise Weiss) were just downright mouthwatering beers so I have high expectations with this one. I'm convinced Victory doesn't make a bad beer.
A - Slightly hazy, pale golden color. About a 1" fluffy pillowy (if thats a word) head. Bubbles rising like crazy. Looks really carbonated. Lacing is wonderful and just sticks around forever. It's about 5 minutes after my first couple sips and it is just stuck to the glass. Hasn't even slid down an inch.
S - Very fragrant. As soon as I poured it I was hit with a lot of citrus. (Grapefruit and Lemon) Also some honey.
T - Grassy malt is the first taste. Leans a bit more in the sweet department rather than bitter in my opinion. The flavor from the hops actually has way more bite than you would think from the smell. Definitely didn't think it would taste this way at all. Really hoppy for a Pilsener. After the original hops taste begins to subside I found myself left with a lemon taste. A lingering grain taste sticks around for a decent amount of time after a taste.
M -Medium-bodied. In my experiences with pilseners this seems to be a bit more bodied. Very well carbonated but not to the point it's bad.
D - Very refreshing, and crisp. I'm going to cut this review short so I can finish this beer now.
Two Thumbs Up! Yet another solid beer from Victory
This is going to be my third beer by Victory, the other two (Whirlwind Witbier and Sunrise Weiss) were just downright mouthwatering beers so I have high expectations with this one. I'm convinced Victory doesn't make a bad beer.
A - Slightly hazy, pale golden color. About a 1" fluffy pillowy (if thats a word) head. Bubbles rising like crazy. Looks really carbonated. Lacing is wonderful and just sticks around forever. It's about 5 minutes after my first couple sips and it is just stuck to the glass. Hasn't even slid down an inch.
S - Very fragrant. As soon as I poured it I was hit with a lot of citrus. (Grapefruit and Lemon) Also some honey.
T - Grassy malt is the first taste. Leans a bit more in the sweet department rather than bitter in my opinion. The flavor from the hops actually has way more bite than you would think from the smell. Definitely didn't think it would taste this way at all. Really hoppy for a Pilsener. After the original hops taste begins to subside I found myself left with a lemon taste. A lingering grain taste sticks around for a decent amount of time after a taste.
M -Medium-bodied. In my experiences with pilseners this seems to be a bit more bodied. Very well carbonated but not to the point it's bad.
D - Very refreshing, and crisp. I'm going to cut this review short so I can finish this beer now.
Two Thumbs Up! Yet another solid beer from Victory
The Bruery Orchard White
Appearance: First impression.. HOLY BUBBLES! Tons of bubbles in this thing. Looks like a reverse waterfall. Golden yellow color. Huge head. 3+ fingers. It recedes rather slowly (and that's too quick of a term to use) and leaves minimal lacing. Very creamy head.
Smell: Floral aroma is predominant. Very very soft flowers. Almost like a spring garden. Bready smell is in the background of the beer. Also a little bit of citrus. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
Taste: Pretty standard for a witbier. There's a taste in it that I can't exactly put my finger on. It must be the lavender taste that they advertise on the bottle. But like I said, it's a pretty standard witbier taste. You have the corianderand yeast of course... The lavender taste really does dominate it though. It's not well balanced, although I do like the flavor it gives off.
Mouthfeel: Very well carbonated. Almost too the point where there is too much carbonation... but not to the point it's a turn off. Maybe just slightly overdone. Medium to Light body. Probably leans towards the light side... has that watery style almost. I would like it a little more if it were a bit creamier and more full.
Drinkability: It's not a bad beer at all. I paid about $10 for a 750ML bottle of this though, but I'm not so sure if it's worth that. There are many other Witbiers I can get a six pack of for $6-$8 and be much more happy. With that being said, it is a pretty drinkable beer, as most witbiers are. It's just rather expensive for the amount you get.
Overall: I liked it. It would be a one thumb up beer based on my rating system. I probably wouldn't buy it again though. It didn't blow me away. It's an average witbier with a new twist.. the lavender which did make for something interesting, that's for sure.
Smell: Floral aroma is predominant. Very very soft flowers. Almost like a spring garden. Bready smell is in the background of the beer. Also a little bit of citrus. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
Taste: Pretty standard for a witbier. There's a taste in it that I can't exactly put my finger on. It must be the lavender taste that they advertise on the bottle. But like I said, it's a pretty standard witbier taste. You have the corianderand yeast of course... The lavender taste really does dominate it though. It's not well balanced, although I do like the flavor it gives off.
Mouthfeel: Very well carbonated. Almost too the point where there is too much carbonation... but not to the point it's a turn off. Maybe just slightly overdone. Medium to Light body. Probably leans towards the light side... has that watery style almost. I would like it a little more if it were a bit creamier and more full.
Drinkability: It's not a bad beer at all. I paid about $10 for a 750ML bottle of this though, but I'm not so sure if it's worth that. There are many other Witbiers I can get a six pack of for $6-$8 and be much more happy. With that being said, it is a pretty drinkable beer, as most witbiers are. It's just rather expensive for the amount you get.
Overall: I liked it. It would be a one thumb up beer based on my rating system. I probably wouldn't buy it again though. It didn't blow me away. It's an average witbier with a new twist.. the lavender which did make for something interesting, that's for sure.
Long Trail Brewmaster Series Winter White
The only other beer I've had from Long Trail was their Belgian White, and although I love the style, I remember not being a HUGE fan of it, so hopefully this well be much better.
At 7.2% ABV I'm expecting this to have a little bit more of a bite in comparison to the average witbier since they are normally around 5%. I have a nice big bottle of this so I hope it's enjoyable. The bottle is pretty plain, but I love it. Nice soft colors, so I'm hoping that transfers right to the taste.
I bought this back in late December and I think it was just a limited release considering I can't find any more info on Long Trail's website about it. Let's just cut to the chase and enjoy a beer.
A - Very clear see through gold color. Bubbly with a 2 inch frothy head that dissipates rather quickly. No lacing is stuck on the glass at all.
S - This beer absolutely reeks of orange and coriander. Also there is a hint of wheat to go along with an overall pretty sweet smell.
T - With a beer smelling that much like orange and coriander, it has to have a hint of them in the taste. This is very front loaded with both. Almost has a similar orange taste like straight orange juice. The orange/coriander taste is followed up with almost a dry oatmeal taste. Right and after the oat taste the beer suddenly gets a warm sensation which can be attributed to the alcohol, which does go away rather quickly and leaves you with an almost pepper-like finish.
M - The beer looks big and tastes big, but based on the higher ABV, this isn't a light beer at all. It has big carbonation also and although it looks and is smooth like your average witbier it's not.
D - If I enjoyed the overall taste a little bit more it would have a much higher drinkability despite the higher than average alcohol content. It's got an overall good mouthfeel and the taste isn't too bad, I just am not crazy about it because of the peppery finish/after taste. I can definitely see why some people could be big fans of this beer. I guess I'm just used to the normal light refreshing witbier.
Although it's not a bad beer, I think I have to give it one thumb down. Stay away unless you think this a beer you would love.
At 7.2% ABV I'm expecting this to have a little bit more of a bite in comparison to the average witbier since they are normally around 5%. I have a nice big bottle of this so I hope it's enjoyable. The bottle is pretty plain, but I love it. Nice soft colors, so I'm hoping that transfers right to the taste.
I bought this back in late December and I think it was just a limited release considering I can't find any more info on Long Trail's website about it. Let's just cut to the chase and enjoy a beer.
A - Very clear see through gold color. Bubbly with a 2 inch frothy head that dissipates rather quickly. No lacing is stuck on the glass at all.
S - This beer absolutely reeks of orange and coriander. Also there is a hint of wheat to go along with an overall pretty sweet smell.
T - With a beer smelling that much like orange and coriander, it has to have a hint of them in the taste. This is very front loaded with both. Almost has a similar orange taste like straight orange juice. The orange/coriander taste is followed up with almost a dry oatmeal taste. Right and after the oat taste the beer suddenly gets a warm sensation which can be attributed to the alcohol, which does go away rather quickly and leaves you with an almost pepper-like finish.
M - The beer looks big and tastes big, but based on the higher ABV, this isn't a light beer at all. It has big carbonation also and although it looks and is smooth like your average witbier it's not.
D - If I enjoyed the overall taste a little bit more it would have a much higher drinkability despite the higher than average alcohol content. It's got an overall good mouthfeel and the taste isn't too bad, I just am not crazy about it because of the peppery finish/after taste. I can definitely see why some people could be big fans of this beer. I guess I'm just used to the normal light refreshing witbier.
Although it's not a bad beer, I think I have to give it one thumb down. Stay away unless you think this a beer you would love.
Unibroue La Fin Du Monde
I've had two other beers from this great Canadian brewery, Unibroue. Both of those beers, Blanche de Chambly and Ephmere (Apple) I have enjoyed. The first more than the second. I hope the trend of great beers continues with this one.
La Fin Du Monde is a higher alcohol beer. It's a tripel that measures in at 9% ABV. The other Tripel I had was Golden Monkey by Victory, which I thought was a pretty good beer, but probably not something I'd want again and again. It was nice to try, but it probably ends there. Hopefully this can be a little bit of a different experience for me although the higher alcohol does scare me a bit.
A - Hazy golden orange. Fluffly head that dissipates rather quickly to about a 1/8" of foam. Can see all kinds of stuff floating around the beer. It looks very similar to a standard hefeweizen.
S - Kind of smells like chalk and flowers. A little bit of citrus hint to it also. Slight alcohol scent also.
T - Sweet. Very sweet. It's a very balanced beer. Fruit mixed with wheat, with some light hops. Coming from a guy that doesn't like the bite of alcohol, I didn't taste it at all which is very surprising based the ABV level. I don't taste a hint of the alcohol at all, which I love.
M - Medium carbonated and medium bodied. Starts off with a hard and crisp feel but smooths out rather quickly.
D - I feel that is has a very high drinkability which is bad because the alcohol will definitely sneak up on you and crush you. Could easily put this beer down in a few minutes, although I would recommend not too.
An overall pretty enjoyable beer. Even though I like the taste of it, it's not really my style of beer, so I probably wouldn't rush out to ever have it again which leaves me to only give up a thumb up.
Good beer though. Definitely one of the better beers I have had. I just don't like the idea of such a high ABV.
La Fin Du Monde is a higher alcohol beer. It's a tripel that measures in at 9% ABV. The other Tripel I had was Golden Monkey by Victory, which I thought was a pretty good beer, but probably not something I'd want again and again. It was nice to try, but it probably ends there. Hopefully this can be a little bit of a different experience for me although the higher alcohol does scare me a bit.
A - Hazy golden orange. Fluffly head that dissipates rather quickly to about a 1/8" of foam. Can see all kinds of stuff floating around the beer. It looks very similar to a standard hefeweizen.
S - Kind of smells like chalk and flowers. A little bit of citrus hint to it also. Slight alcohol scent also.
T - Sweet. Very sweet. It's a very balanced beer. Fruit mixed with wheat, with some light hops. Coming from a guy that doesn't like the bite of alcohol, I didn't taste it at all which is very surprising based the ABV level. I don't taste a hint of the alcohol at all, which I love.
M - Medium carbonated and medium bodied. Starts off with a hard and crisp feel but smooths out rather quickly.
D - I feel that is has a very high drinkability which is bad because the alcohol will definitely sneak up on you and crush you. Could easily put this beer down in a few minutes, although I would recommend not too.
An overall pretty enjoyable beer. Even though I like the taste of it, it's not really my style of beer, so I probably wouldn't rush out to ever have it again which leaves me to only give up a thumb up.
Good beer though. Definitely one of the better beers I have had. I just don't like the idea of such a high ABV.
Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier
Regarded as one of the best Hefeweizen in the world (according to Beer Advocate - - Close to 1400 reviews and holds an A rating.)Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier is brewed in Germany by Brauerei Weihenstephan. They are also known for such great beers as... well.. a whole bunch of beers with long German names I can't pronounce. This beer holds a 5.4% ABV so I'm not expecting too much of a bite by it.
This is my first beer review in awhile... and like always.. I'm expecting big things from the beer.
I probably should be using a Weizen glass for this beer but I don't own one (someone donate me one). I'll use a standard pint glass instead. (But in honor of St. Patrick's Day, a Smithwicks one.)
A - Pretty unrelated to the actual appearance to the beer, but I really like how the bottle looks and I like the cap also. It'll make a nice addition to my collection. Hazy golden orange color. Huge creamy 3 finger head. Bubbles are cascading up heavily so this beer should have some high carbonation. Head dissipated rather quickly and left no lacing at all.
S - The smell is powerful with citrus. Orange to be a bit more specific. Coriander is also present in the smell. I also smell hints of banana and spice. Kind of a bready smell. A really nice smell, minus the spice which I'm not huge on.
T - Mmmm, Banana and citrus dominate the taste. Hardly any of that spice I smelled actually made it's way to the tastebuds which I'm happy about. The sweet banana/citrus taste goes away very quickly and leaves a bitter taste in the back although that goes away as quickly as the sweet taste. Little to no aftertaste is left behind which is no problem to much, just makes me want more.
M - I felt it would be a little bit more carbonated than it was due to all the bubbles. Don't get me wrong this is a highly carbonated beer, but I thought it would be to the point where it was almost like a Pepsi or something. Medium-bodied which I wasn't expecting due to the minimal lacing/head. I figured this beer would be almost watery.
D - Very drinkable beer. More of a summer beer than anything. Still great at any time of year though. Definitely would recommend this to friends.
Two thumbs up! Try this beer guys!
Oh.. and here is the cap I was talking about.
This is my first beer review in awhile... and like always.. I'm expecting big things from the beer.
I probably should be using a Weizen glass for this beer but I don't own one (someone donate me one). I'll use a standard pint glass instead. (But in honor of St. Patrick's Day, a Smithwicks one.)
A - Pretty unrelated to the actual appearance to the beer, but I really like how the bottle looks and I like the cap also. It'll make a nice addition to my collection. Hazy golden orange color. Huge creamy 3 finger head. Bubbles are cascading up heavily so this beer should have some high carbonation. Head dissipated rather quickly and left no lacing at all.
S - The smell is powerful with citrus. Orange to be a bit more specific. Coriander is also present in the smell. I also smell hints of banana and spice. Kind of a bready smell. A really nice smell, minus the spice which I'm not huge on.
T - Mmmm, Banana and citrus dominate the taste. Hardly any of that spice I smelled actually made it's way to the tastebuds which I'm happy about. The sweet banana/citrus taste goes away very quickly and leaves a bitter taste in the back although that goes away as quickly as the sweet taste. Little to no aftertaste is left behind which is no problem to much, just makes me want more.
M - I felt it would be a little bit more carbonated than it was due to all the bubbles. Don't get me wrong this is a highly carbonated beer, but I thought it would be to the point where it was almost like a Pepsi or something. Medium-bodied which I wasn't expecting due to the minimal lacing/head. I figured this beer would be almost watery.
D - Very drinkable beer. More of a summer beer than anything. Still great at any time of year though. Definitely would recommend this to friends.
Two thumbs up! Try this beer guys!
Oh.. and here is the cap I was talking about.
Sierra Nevada Kellerweis Hefeweizen
A - Straw golden yellow color. Fluffly inch head. Quickly dissipates to a small white ring around the top of the beer.
S - The smell was actually a bit of a turn off to me. The smell was really just, ehh. Kind of a wet rotting leaf smell, mixed with banana. Seriously, the best way I can describe it is during autumn when it rains and all the leaves on the ground just get soaked and damp. Yeah.. that's the smell.
T - Thank god the taste is a hell of a lot better than the smell or I'd have trouble stomaching this one. (It's rare in my experience that it actually happens like this too.) Banana and clove dominate the taste. You can taste a hint or lemon, or my mind could just be playing tricks on me. I would have prefered to have a stronger banana taste, (even though it dominates the taste it doesn't really smack you in the face like you'd want) It's more of a dull banana taste, although not the least bit bad.
M - A very thin almost watery style too it. Very crisp though.
D - I won't even beat around the bush and say yeah.. pretty good session beer. YOU CAN POUND THESE. I could sit here and drink these all day long.. if they didn't have alcohol in them that is.
But definitely very very drinkable. I'm convinced that even a beer drinker wouldn't taste this beer and spit it out and say disgusting. It's that good.
One of my favorite beers.
Two Thumbs Up!
S - The smell was actually a bit of a turn off to me. The smell was really just, ehh. Kind of a wet rotting leaf smell, mixed with banana. Seriously, the best way I can describe it is during autumn when it rains and all the leaves on the ground just get soaked and damp. Yeah.. that's the smell.
T - Thank god the taste is a hell of a lot better than the smell or I'd have trouble stomaching this one. (It's rare in my experience that it actually happens like this too.) Banana and clove dominate the taste. You can taste a hint or lemon, or my mind could just be playing tricks on me. I would have prefered to have a stronger banana taste, (even though it dominates the taste it doesn't really smack you in the face like you'd want) It's more of a dull banana taste, although not the least bit bad.
M - A very thin almost watery style too it. Very crisp though.
D - I won't even beat around the bush and say yeah.. pretty good session beer. YOU CAN POUND THESE. I could sit here and drink these all day long.. if they didn't have alcohol in them that is.
But definitely very very drinkable. I'm convinced that even a beer drinker wouldn't taste this beer and spit it out and say disgusting. It's that good.
One of my favorite beers.
Two Thumbs Up!
Unibroue Ephemere
My second beer from Unibroue. The first being Blanche de Chambly, which is one of my absolute favorite beers... so yeah this beer definitely has a standard to hold up to.
It's a fruit and vegetable beer. Pretty normal when it comes to ABV. 5.5%
A little bit of background info from the Unibroue website -
ÉPHÉMÈRE (apple)
White ale brewed with apple must
Redolent of ripe Granny Smith apples, this
unique white ale pleases the palate with a
delicate balance of fruit and spice notes and
just a hint of sweetness.
Éphémère apple satisfies with each sip and
refreshes in all seasons, especially when
paired with an artisan cheddar cheese, pork
tenderloin served with apple chutney or Vidalia
onion soup.
We developed the Éphémère (Ephemeral)
series to feature a seasonal fruit in a
refreshing, lightly spiced white ale.
The label depicts a fairy, an ephemeral spirit
associated with fruits picked at the peak of
ripeness during each harvest season.
Éphémère apple flavor is brewed with apple
must, which consists of the freshly-pressed
juice from apples.
Enjoy this beer 'alfresco' while dining in the
afternoon sun, relaxing at a family gathering or
at a picnic in the back yard.
Winner of 3 Gold Medals from the Beverage
Testing Institute since 2002
Let's try it!!
A - Nice yellow color. Pretty cloudy with a lot of bubbles surfacing. Had about a 1/2 inch head that dissipated pretty quickly and left nothing but a small outline around the glass.
S - This beer absolutely reeks of apples. As soon as I opened it, I felt that I was in an apple orchard. Green apples to be more specific. Also maybe a little citrus in there and some bread. But tons and tons of apples. Maybe that is why there is a big apple on the bottle?
T - I thought that based on the smell the apple would be way more present. It's really lacking in that powerful apple taste I was expecting. More surprising the apple taste is way at the end of the taste. I feel that there is more grain than apple to the taste. It's a little sweet, but it doesn't bother me, I'm sure there some people out there that would absolutely hate it. I don't though. Also seems like there is a bigger trace of coriander in there, than apple.
M - Very very light mouthfeel. Very juice-water-like but with carbonation.
D - Pretty drinkable beer in my opinion. Finishes without much aftertaste which makes it easy to drink. Goes down really easy too with the lower alcohol level.
Not a great beer, but it's not bad. Pretty average.
It just a one thumb up. Probably won't drink this again, but I wouldn't avoid having it if it were free.
It's a fruit and vegetable beer. Pretty normal when it comes to ABV. 5.5%
A little bit of background info from the Unibroue website -
ÉPHÉMÈRE (apple)
White ale brewed with apple must
Redolent of ripe Granny Smith apples, this
unique white ale pleases the palate with a
delicate balance of fruit and spice notes and
just a hint of sweetness.
Éphémère apple satisfies with each sip and
refreshes in all seasons, especially when
paired with an artisan cheddar cheese, pork
tenderloin served with apple chutney or Vidalia
onion soup.
We developed the Éphémère (Ephemeral)
series to feature a seasonal fruit in a
refreshing, lightly spiced white ale.
The label depicts a fairy, an ephemeral spirit
associated with fruits picked at the peak of
ripeness during each harvest season.
Éphémère apple flavor is brewed with apple
must, which consists of the freshly-pressed
juice from apples.
Enjoy this beer 'alfresco' while dining in the
afternoon sun, relaxing at a family gathering or
at a picnic in the back yard.
Winner of 3 Gold Medals from the Beverage
Testing Institute since 2002
Let's try it!!
A - Nice yellow color. Pretty cloudy with a lot of bubbles surfacing. Had about a 1/2 inch head that dissipated pretty quickly and left nothing but a small outline around the glass.
S - This beer absolutely reeks of apples. As soon as I opened it, I felt that I was in an apple orchard. Green apples to be more specific. Also maybe a little citrus in there and some bread. But tons and tons of apples. Maybe that is why there is a big apple on the bottle?
T - I thought that based on the smell the apple would be way more present. It's really lacking in that powerful apple taste I was expecting. More surprising the apple taste is way at the end of the taste. I feel that there is more grain than apple to the taste. It's a little sweet, but it doesn't bother me, I'm sure there some people out there that would absolutely hate it. I don't though. Also seems like there is a bigger trace of coriander in there, than apple.
M - Very very light mouthfeel. Very juice-water-like but with carbonation.
D - Pretty drinkable beer in my opinion. Finishes without much aftertaste which makes it easy to drink. Goes down really easy too with the lower alcohol level.
Not a great beer, but it's not bad. Pretty average.
It just a one thumb up. Probably won't drink this again, but I wouldn't avoid having it if it were free.
Victory Golden Monkey
My fourth beer from Victory. So far I have pretty much convinced myself that Victory doesn't make a bad beer. I'm stretching awfully far out of my comfort zone with Golden Monkey.
Well, saying awfully might actually be a stretch in itself... Golden Monkey is a tripel, and I have never had one before so I'm really not sure what I am in store for.
Here is a quick run down on a tripel per www.beeradvocate.com
-The name "Tripel" actually stems from part of the brewing process, in which brewers use up to three times the amount of malt than a standard Trappist "Simple." Traditionally, Tripels are bright yellow to gold in color, which is a shade or two darker than the average Pilsener. Head should be big, dense and creamy. Aroma and flavor runs along complex, spicy phenolic, powdery yeast, fruity/estery with a sweet finish. Sweetness comes from both the pale malts and the higher alcohol. Bitterness is up there for a beer with such a light body for its strength, but at times is barely perceived amongst the even balance of malts and hops. The lighter body comes from the use of Belgian candy sugar (up to 25% sucrose), which not only lightens the body, but also adds complex alcoholic aromas and flavors. Small amounts of spices are sometimes added as well.
Tripels are actually notoriously alcoholic, yet the best crafted ones hide this character quite evil-like and deceivingly, making them sipping beers.
I looked around on Victory's website a bit and pulled up some stats on this brew.
It holds a Silver Medal in the International Beer Competition in '04 and also holds a Bronze Medal in the Australian International Beer Awards in '08.
Victory has this to say about the beer -
Strong and sensual, this golden, Belgian-style ale glows with goodness. The richness of German malts and Belgian yeast are tempered by a sparkling approach and overall light body. Considerable depth of character with abundant herbal, fruity notes make this one to savor.
Malts: 2 row German malt
Hops: European whole flowers
Yeast: imported, of Belgian origin
Alcohol by volume: 9.5%
I'm a little nervous because I feel with the way I have hyped up Victory that I HAVE to like this beer.
A - First of all, yes that head is as fluffly as it looks in the picture. Unbelievable. It's about 5 minutes after pour and it's still that big too. The lacing is just stuck all over the glass. Wow. As you can see it's a nice golden color. Maybe that's why they named it Golden Monkey and not Brown Monkey. Looks like your typical Witbier in my opinion but with a fluffier head.
S - Disappointed might be a bad way to say this, but when I saw 9.5 ABV I was expecting this beer to reek of alcohol upon opening. It didn't. Not even the slightest hint of alcohol. I'm hoping the taste duplicates that. Can't really put my finger on the smell that good. Smells a little like pears and apples. Also it smells like it will have a sour bitter taste.
T - Oddly enough, it tastes like it smells. It has a really smooth taste to start with and then it gets a little tart and hoppy. Definitely a hint of alcohol front loaded on the taste but the hoppiness contrasts well with it and it's a little hard to notice. The alcohol definitely warms up the mouth/throat/stomach but it doesn't feel like it's going to burn a hole anywhere. After the alcohol goes away there is a pretty pleasant grassy taste along with hints of the pear/apple. I wouldn't say the taste blows me away, but I was expecting it to disappoint me and be terrible.
M - Very smooth and very bubbly in the mouth.. no other way to really describe it.
D - Dare I say that even though this beer is 9.5% ABV it's shockingly drinkable. Seems like this compared with the smoothness overall of the beer could cause problems. It could easily creep up on you if you don't have self control and sip it. After all, a beer this high should be sipped.
I really want to give this beer two thumbs up, I really do. But because it's not really my style and didn't blow me away and want me begging for more, one thumb up will do.
It's a pretty good beer. I'd imagine it's probably better than the average tripel.
But I do applaud the fact that I don't want to drain pour an almost 10% ABV beer.
Well, saying awfully might actually be a stretch in itself... Golden Monkey is a tripel, and I have never had one before so I'm really not sure what I am in store for.
Here is a quick run down on a tripel per www.beeradvocate.com
-The name "Tripel" actually stems from part of the brewing process, in which brewers use up to three times the amount of malt than a standard Trappist "Simple." Traditionally, Tripels are bright yellow to gold in color, which is a shade or two darker than the average Pilsener. Head should be big, dense and creamy. Aroma and flavor runs along complex, spicy phenolic, powdery yeast, fruity/estery with a sweet finish. Sweetness comes from both the pale malts and the higher alcohol. Bitterness is up there for a beer with such a light body for its strength, but at times is barely perceived amongst the even balance of malts and hops. The lighter body comes from the use of Belgian candy sugar (up to 25% sucrose), which not only lightens the body, but also adds complex alcoholic aromas and flavors. Small amounts of spices are sometimes added as well.
Tripels are actually notoriously alcoholic, yet the best crafted ones hide this character quite evil-like and deceivingly, making them sipping beers.
I looked around on Victory's website a bit and pulled up some stats on this brew.
It holds a Silver Medal in the International Beer Competition in '04 and also holds a Bronze Medal in the Australian International Beer Awards in '08.
Victory has this to say about the beer -
Strong and sensual, this golden, Belgian-style ale glows with goodness. The richness of German malts and Belgian yeast are tempered by a sparkling approach and overall light body. Considerable depth of character with abundant herbal, fruity notes make this one to savor.
Malts: 2 row German malt
Hops: European whole flowers
Yeast: imported, of Belgian origin
Alcohol by volume: 9.5%
I'm a little nervous because I feel with the way I have hyped up Victory that I HAVE to like this beer.
A - First of all, yes that head is as fluffly as it looks in the picture. Unbelievable. It's about 5 minutes after pour and it's still that big too. The lacing is just stuck all over the glass. Wow. As you can see it's a nice golden color. Maybe that's why they named it Golden Monkey and not Brown Monkey. Looks like your typical Witbier in my opinion but with a fluffier head.
S - Disappointed might be a bad way to say this, but when I saw 9.5 ABV I was expecting this beer to reek of alcohol upon opening. It didn't. Not even the slightest hint of alcohol. I'm hoping the taste duplicates that. Can't really put my finger on the smell that good. Smells a little like pears and apples. Also it smells like it will have a sour bitter taste.
T - Oddly enough, it tastes like it smells. It has a really smooth taste to start with and then it gets a little tart and hoppy. Definitely a hint of alcohol front loaded on the taste but the hoppiness contrasts well with it and it's a little hard to notice. The alcohol definitely warms up the mouth/throat/stomach but it doesn't feel like it's going to burn a hole anywhere. After the alcohol goes away there is a pretty pleasant grassy taste along with hints of the pear/apple. I wouldn't say the taste blows me away, but I was expecting it to disappoint me and be terrible.
M - Very smooth and very bubbly in the mouth.. no other way to really describe it.
D - Dare I say that even though this beer is 9.5% ABV it's shockingly drinkable. Seems like this compared with the smoothness overall of the beer could cause problems. It could easily creep up on you if you don't have self control and sip it. After all, a beer this high should be sipped.
I really want to give this beer two thumbs up, I really do. But because it's not really my style and didn't blow me away and want me begging for more, one thumb up will do.
It's a pretty good beer. I'd imagine it's probably better than the average tripel.
But I do applaud the fact that I don't want to drain pour an almost 10% ABV beer.
Brooklyn "Brooklyner" Weisse
My first beer from Brooklyn Brewery. Brooklyn Brewery is a "good" brewery. They don't have any really amazing beers, but they have a lot of beers are are "good." So as far as Brooklyn goes, their beers are average to good. C's to B's in terms of letter grades.
Because of this I'm going into this beer (as I do most of my beers) with higher expectations especially because this is only my fouuth Hefeweizen, and I enjoyed the first three... with one being one of my top 5 beers.
Victory Sunrise Weiss
Flying Dog In-Heat Wheat
Sierra Nevada Kellerweis Hefeweizen
Let's go.
A - Orange/Amberish color. I'd compare it to the color of rust on a car. Let's hope it doesn't taste like rust, although, I've never tasted rust before... it just can't be good and we will leave it at that. The head was a nice quarter to half inch head, but I'm not sure because it dissipated so quickly and left no trail of lacing. The head went away so quickly it's like someone pulled a magic trick in front of my eyes.. I'm not even sure if one was there to begin with. (Okay you get my point)
S - Some people say this is the most citrusy beer they have ever smelled. Yeah, I don't get the same feeling. Sure theres some citrus in there, but it doesn't dominate the smell by no means. Lemon for sure, with some spice. Theres also so banana. I don't really feel anything special from the smell.
T - So far neither the appearance or scent really did anything for me. Hopefully the taste can be a lot better than I'm starting to feel like it's going to be. *Long pause* Little bit of hop bitterness I must say. Some orange and banana. Little spicy. Definitely didn't expect this at all. (Not that it's necessarily bad, it just caught me off guard.) I was expecting something a little bit more sweet. I feel like the finish of the beer is really missing something. I'm not sure what it is, but I really feel like I was just waiting for a taste of something else and I never got it. I guess you could say it falls a little flat. No aftertaste at all. I keep forgetting what it tastes like until I get another mouthful.
M - Carbonation is crisp. The beer feels really light. It's just odd how the taste drops off so quickly. I'm not a huge fan of that.
D - Very drinkable beer. Goes down very easy, and they leave you wanting more with the way you can't savor the taste. Could easily have a couple of these.
I'm not saying this is a bad beer, it's just far from a good beer in my opinion. The taste isn't bad really, it just leaves me wanting so much more.
I think this beer is probably right in line with most of the other beers from this brewery.
I'd give it one thumb up.
I wouldn't turn this beer down if someone offered it to me, but I don't think I'd rush out to buy it again. It may seem like I tore it apart in my review but when I imput all my values on BeerAdvocate it spit me out a letter grade of B-, which I can agree with. A little above average, but not by much.
Rogue Dead Guy Ale
A - Pours a deep honey color, sort of looks coppery. Nice head, very bright white and foamy. Tons of lacing all over the class that just seems to stick forever.
S - A bit of a grainy smell. Some citrus fruit smell. Also some malt and honey. Based on the smell alone I did not think I'd like this beer.
T - Very hoppy at first taste but smooths out into a deep grainy malt finish. The hoppy aftertaste lingers for a little bit. You can taste a faint honey taste.
M - Very smooth beer. It's not very high ABV, only 6.5% but I don't taste any alcohol at all. Medium carbonation.
D - Very drinkable beer. My first Rogue beer and it's a damn good start for me I'd say. This is a beer you could definitely come back to time and time again.
Two Thumbs Up!
S - A bit of a grainy smell. Some citrus fruit smell. Also some malt and honey. Based on the smell alone I did not think I'd like this beer.
T - Very hoppy at first taste but smooths out into a deep grainy malt finish. The hoppy aftertaste lingers for a little bit. You can taste a faint honey taste.
M - Very smooth beer. It's not very high ABV, only 6.5% but I don't taste any alcohol at all. Medium carbonation.
D - Very drinkable beer. My first Rogue beer and it's a damn good start for me I'd say. This is a beer you could definitely come back to time and time again.
Two Thumbs Up!
Grolsch Premium Lager
Wow... Cool looking bottle. Too bad there isn't much else cool about it.
A - Golden color. Fluffly white head. Minimal lacing.
S - Corn and floral aroma is about it when you take a sniff.
T - A little bitter. Dry taste. It's a pretty good duplicate of the smell. Bitter dry corn. Not complex at all. Pretty straight forward. It kind of has a watery taste to it. I didn't expect this at all, and I was disappointed.
M - Light to medium bodied. Very very high carbonated beer. I didn't like that at all. Seemed like I was drinking pop.
D - Pretty easy to drink though I guess. If you like the taste that is.
I wouldn't drink it again, not because I hated it, I just would rather drink something better
Two Thumbs Down!
A - Golden color. Fluffly white head. Minimal lacing.
S - Corn and floral aroma is about it when you take a sniff.
T - A little bitter. Dry taste. It's a pretty good duplicate of the smell. Bitter dry corn. Not complex at all. Pretty straight forward. It kind of has a watery taste to it. I didn't expect this at all, and I was disappointed.
M - Light to medium bodied. Very very high carbonated beer. I didn't like that at all. Seemed like I was drinking pop.
D - Pretty easy to drink though I guess. If you like the taste that is.
I wouldn't drink it again, not because I hated it, I just would rather drink something better
Two Thumbs Down!
A - Dark yellow color. Nice white head. Hardly any lacing.
S - Had a bit of a skunky smell to it. Little hoppy with some grass smell. A bit of lemon and floral notes.
T - It's a typical pilsner. Take that with a grain of salt, I said typical. I didn't say good. It's... average. A bit grassy on the taste. Nothing really jumps out at you. The taste doesn't leave you disappointed, but it definitely leaves you wishing it tasted better. It's just really simple and standard. Not bad though.
M - Medium bodied with low carbonation. It's what you would expect just by looking at this beer or knowing it was a pils.
D - The best thing about this beer is you could drink a couple of them easily. I'm not saying you'd actually want to or like to drink a couple, but it's very very easy to drink.
The beer didn't jump out and grab me.
Again, it wasn't bad, but it just dind't do it for me.
Very average on all levels.
One Thumb Down!
S - Had a bit of a skunky smell to it. Little hoppy with some grass smell. A bit of lemon and floral notes.
T - It's a typical pilsner. Take that with a grain of salt, I said typical. I didn't say good. It's... average. A bit grassy on the taste. Nothing really jumps out at you. The taste doesn't leave you disappointed, but it definitely leaves you wishing it tasted better. It's just really simple and standard. Not bad though.
M - Medium bodied with low carbonation. It's what you would expect just by looking at this beer or knowing it was a pils.
D - The best thing about this beer is you could drink a couple of them easily. I'm not saying you'd actually want to or like to drink a couple, but it's very very easy to drink.
The beer didn't jump out and grab me.
Again, it wasn't bad, but it just dind't do it for me.
Very average on all levels.
One Thumb Down!
Coney Island Albino Python
A - Very cloudy dull golden color with a thin white head.
S - The smell was spicy. Couldn't even tell you what half of the scents were.. but I did smell a ton of ginger and citrus.
T - The taste much like the smell was all over the place. Up front and very in your face was the ginger which dominates the taste. There is also lemon stuck in there with a bunch of different flavors. It's hard just to put your finger on them. But the brew does go from really spicy to really sweet and fruity on the finish. It's definitely super interesting and complex on the taste.
M - Light to medium bodied. Highly carbonated like pop.
D - A very different beer in comparison to my usual, but shockingly it's very drinkable. I'm not saying you could go out and drink a keg of this but it's definitely easy to drink a couple glasses rather quickly.
As odd as this beer is, I like it.
One Thumb Up!
S - The smell was spicy. Couldn't even tell you what half of the scents were.. but I did smell a ton of ginger and citrus.
T - The taste much like the smell was all over the place. Up front and very in your face was the ginger which dominates the taste. There is also lemon stuck in there with a bunch of different flavors. It's hard just to put your finger on them. But the brew does go from really spicy to really sweet and fruity on the finish. It's definitely super interesting and complex on the taste.
M - Light to medium bodied. Highly carbonated like pop.
D - A very different beer in comparison to my usual, but shockingly it's very drinkable. I'm not saying you could go out and drink a keg of this but it's definitely easy to drink a couple glasses rather quickly.
As odd as this beer is, I like it.
One Thumb Up!
Urtyp 1878
A - A nice clear gold color. Small white head, but very nice sticky lacing.
S - Hint of apple and floral hops. A little caramel malt, not much else though.
T - Crisp malt with a spicy hop at the finish. A little weak taste, but good nonetheless. Pretty solid on the taste.
M - Smooth.. On the lighter side when it comes to the body. Carbonation is moderate. It's a little on the watery feel, but it's not a bad thing.
D - A very pleasant easy to drink beer. Definitely could kick back and drink a few of them.
One Thumb Up!
S - Hint of apple and floral hops. A little caramel malt, not much else though.
T - Crisp malt with a spicy hop at the finish. A little weak taste, but good nonetheless. Pretty solid on the taste.
M - Smooth.. On the lighter side when it comes to the body. Carbonation is moderate. It's a little on the watery feel, but it's not a bad thing.
D - A very pleasant easy to drink beer. Definitely could kick back and drink a few of them.
One Thumb Up!
Lagunitas Maximus
A - Copper colored. Pretty close to a light brown. Some nice foam and lacing.
S - Pine and citrus. Caramel also. Smells pretty good. Definitely like the smell and this isn't my normal style of beer.
T - Pretty much follows the smell. Hops and malt up front with pine. The citrus takes a major backseat, it's hard to even taste. I like the smell better than the taste.
M - Light to medium bodied with a bitter finish. Pretty high carbonation. Can totally feel the bubbles that are rising up to the top consistently in the glass on my tongue with the entire taste of this brew.
D - It's a pretty drinkable taste. If I was a huge fan of the taste I could definitely drink it a bunch. I can totally see how some people would LOVE this beer though.
One Thumb Up!
S - Pine and citrus. Caramel also. Smells pretty good. Definitely like the smell and this isn't my normal style of beer.
T - Pretty much follows the smell. Hops and malt up front with pine. The citrus takes a major backseat, it's hard to even taste. I like the smell better than the taste.
M - Light to medium bodied with a bitter finish. Pretty high carbonation. Can totally feel the bubbles that are rising up to the top consistently in the glass on my tongue with the entire taste of this brew.
D - It's a pretty drinkable taste. If I was a huge fan of the taste I could definitely drink it a bunch. I can totally see how some people would LOVE this beer though.
One Thumb Up!
Stone Smoked Porter
A - Deep brown color, borderline black. Nice lacing around the glass.
S - Tons of smoke. Also chocolate and coffee.
T - The taste is smokey malts, with chocolate and coffee just like the aroma, but there is also that black licorice taste as well.
M - Medium to full body beer. Pretty thick.
D - I'm sure if I liked the beer and it's style, it'd be a much easier beer to drink.
It's not my style beer first of all, but I can still appreciate it's a damn good beer. So I won't give it a negative rating.
One Thumb Up!
S - Tons of smoke. Also chocolate and coffee.
T - The taste is smokey malts, with chocolate and coffee just like the aroma, but there is also that black licorice taste as well.
M - Medium to full body beer. Pretty thick.
D - I'm sure if I liked the beer and it's style, it'd be a much easier beer to drink.
It's not my style beer first of all, but I can still appreciate it's a damn good beer. So I won't give it a negative rating.
One Thumb Up!
Unibroue Blanche De Chambly
A - Straw yellow. So cloudy that I couldn't even see through it. Head nice and slowly and leaves awesome lacing.
S - Yeast, Lemon, Orange, Bananas, Apple, Grape, etc.... All the typical fruits in a Wit.
T - Taste is heavy on citrus and banana. You also get a steady flavor of bread. Pretty sweet almost tasting like a wine on the finish.
M - Very smooth and light bodied. Comparable to the style of a juice.
D - A very tasty beer, I wouldn't mind drinking a few of these..
Two Thumbs Up!
S - Yeast, Lemon, Orange, Bananas, Apple, Grape, etc.... All the typical fruits in a Wit.
T - Taste is heavy on citrus and banana. You also get a steady flavor of bread. Pretty sweet almost tasting like a wine on the finish.
M - Very smooth and light bodied. Comparable to the style of a juice.
D - A very tasty beer, I wouldn't mind drinking a few of these..
Two Thumbs Up!
Avery White Rascal
A - Pale yellow with a 2 finger head that fades quickly. Very nice lacing with this brew.
S - Pretty standard Wit. Can smell the Citrus, Banana, Wheat, and Spice right off the bat.
T - Orange dominates the taste. Pretty spicey taste, almost caught me by surprise. Pretty solid balance of wheat and spice to create a good taste. I can't really taste the banana I smelled. Maybe it was my imagination. Almost has a bit of a bready taste to it.
M - It's a normal light bodied Wit. Tons of bubbles in this bad boy though. Pretty high carbonation which I'm not used to when it comes to Witbiers. Not saying it's a bad thing though!
D - Goes down the hatch very easy. Could easily get caught up drinking a few of these.
Two Thumbs Up!
S - Pretty standard Wit. Can smell the Citrus, Banana, Wheat, and Spice right off the bat.
T - Orange dominates the taste. Pretty spicey taste, almost caught me by surprise. Pretty solid balance of wheat and spice to create a good taste. I can't really taste the banana I smelled. Maybe it was my imagination. Almost has a bit of a bready taste to it.
M - It's a normal light bodied Wit. Tons of bubbles in this bad boy though. Pretty high carbonation which I'm not used to when it comes to Witbiers. Not saying it's a bad thing though!
D - Goes down the hatch very easy. Could easily get caught up drinking a few of these.
Two Thumbs Up!
Samuel Adams Blackberry Witbier
A - Cloudy amber/orange. No lacing and the head dissipated quickly.
S - Of course it smells like blackberries (Even though I was somewhat surprised that it did.) Seems like a little bit of citrus, more specifically lemon.
T - A lot of blackberry up front which fades into the background but takes a backseat to the lemon. The blackberry taste does stay throughout the entire experience.
M - Medium to heavy carbonation with a light body. Really thin feeling, but bubbly due to the carbonation.
D - It's a drinkable beer. Not something I'd like to drink all the time or even occasionally. It was just... okay.
One Thumb Down!
S - Of course it smells like blackberries (Even though I was somewhat surprised that it did.) Seems like a little bit of citrus, more specifically lemon.
T - A lot of blackberry up front which fades into the background but takes a backseat to the lemon. The blackberry taste does stay throughout the entire experience.
M - Medium to heavy carbonation with a light body. Really thin feeling, but bubbly due to the carbonation.
D - It's a drinkable beer. Not something I'd like to drink all the time or even occasionally. It was just... okay.
One Thumb Down!
Blue Moon Belgian White
A - Cloudy yellow, borderline orange color. Minimal lacing. Pretty normal color for a Wit.
S - Coriander and clove. Hints of orange.
T - Coriander and orange immediately get your attention. Smooth clove aftertaste. Little spice hidden with the orange though.
M - Well balanced and smooth.
D - Pretty easy to get caught up drinking a few of these.
Not the best Witbier you are going to find, but it's pretty impressive for a Coors product
One Thumb Up!
S - Coriander and clove. Hints of orange.
T - Coriander and orange immediately get your attention. Smooth clove aftertaste. Little spice hidden with the orange though.
M - Well balanced and smooth.
D - Pretty easy to get caught up drinking a few of these.
Not the best Witbier you are going to find, but it's pretty impressive for a Coors product
One Thumb Up!
Shock Top Belgian White
A - Nice yellow color. Cloudy. Small foamy head. Orange stuck inside that I decided to eat before I even took a sip. Haha.
S - The smell was nice. Coriander and orange peel dominate it. I was just hoping that it tasted as well as it smelled.
T - It did. The taste was full of orange peel and coriander. Definitely wheat to be tasted in there also. I like the taste and I definitely think it holds it's own against the average Witbiers out there.
M - Pretty smooth. Medium bodied and low carbonation.
D - Pretty easy to drink. I could see myself tossing a few back without thinking twice. I didn't expect that it would be this good to be honest. I was impressed and it caught me off guard. I was pleasantly surprised.
One Thumb Up!
S - The smell was nice. Coriander and orange peel dominate it. I was just hoping that it tasted as well as it smelled.
T - It did. The taste was full of orange peel and coriander. Definitely wheat to be tasted in there also. I like the taste and I definitely think it holds it's own against the average Witbiers out there.
M - Pretty smooth. Medium bodied and low carbonation.
D - Pretty easy to drink. I could see myself tossing a few back without thinking twice. I didn't expect that it would be this good to be honest. I was impressed and it caught me off guard. I was pleasantly surprised.
One Thumb Up!
Samuel Adams Summer Ale
A - Hazy orange color. Nice foamy white head.
S - Citrus smell is the first smell I detected which is normal for a wheat beer. Seems like there was a small aroma of spice.
T - Taste was very blah and honey like. It was sweet. I didn't taste any lemon or any other citrus which is how the brew is supposed to taste. I'm not sure if it was a problem with where I got it from. But I was definitely disappointed in the taste.
M - Pretty light bodied with medium carbonation
D - I'm not too sure about the drinkability based on the first impression. I'm going to have to go out and buy a six pack of this to rate it correctly. Based on the body and how the beer is supposed to taste I'd imagine it would be pretty drinkable.
One Thumb Down!
S - Citrus smell is the first smell I detected which is normal for a wheat beer. Seems like there was a small aroma of spice.
T - Taste was very blah and honey like. It was sweet. I didn't taste any lemon or any other citrus which is how the brew is supposed to taste. I'm not sure if it was a problem with where I got it from. But I was definitely disappointed in the taste.
M - Pretty light bodied with medium carbonation
D - I'm not too sure about the drinkability based on the first impression. I'm going to have to go out and buy a six pack of this to rate it correctly. Based on the body and how the beer is supposed to taste I'd imagine it would be pretty drinkable.
One Thumb Down!
Harpoon UFO White
A - Hazy yellow. Almost with an orange tint to it. Let's just call it golden. Very small head that dissipates quickly.
S - Light lemon scent. A little malt and grain hidden in there also. Nothing too special. Based on the appearance and scent, seems like just your average Witbier. (Not that an average Witbier is a bad thing!)
T - Taste seemed a little sour at first but that went away insanely quickly and left open the nice sweet orange taste. I'm surprised even though I smelled lemon, I didn't really taste it. Nice coriander/clove taste on the finish. Slight spicy kick to it. Great light wheat aftertaste. Basically the taste is really front loaded. A quick smack that goes away as quick as you get it.
M - Light bodied and smooth. Very little if any carbonation. Seems like it would be a good beer when it's hot outside.
D - Pretty drinkable. If I had bought more than a single I'd probably have a few. Good summer beer.
One Thumb Up!
S - Light lemon scent. A little malt and grain hidden in there also. Nothing too special. Based on the appearance and scent, seems like just your average Witbier. (Not that an average Witbier is a bad thing!)
T - Taste seemed a little sour at first but that went away insanely quickly and left open the nice sweet orange taste. I'm surprised even though I smelled lemon, I didn't really taste it. Nice coriander/clove taste on the finish. Slight spicy kick to it. Great light wheat aftertaste. Basically the taste is really front loaded. A quick smack that goes away as quick as you get it.
M - Light bodied and smooth. Very little if any carbonation. Seems like it would be a good beer when it's hot outside.
D - Pretty drinkable. If I had bought more than a single I'd probably have a few. Good summer beer.
One Thumb Up!
Southern Tier Hop Sun (Summer Wheat Beer)
A: Golden copper. Had a nice half an inch white head but it went away pretty quickly. Pretty nice lacing on the glass. I was surprised that.
S: Strong lemon and orange and what seems to smell like pine needles. It's truly a beautiful smell.
T: After smelling such a good smell I was worried that I was going to be highly disappointed by the taste. Definitely not the case! I was actually impressed that the taste was just as good as the smell! Definitely a dominating taste of lemon and orange. I also taste the pine needles that I smelled so I wasn't imagining it. Also, I can definitely taste some wheat and possibly banana. I would need to drink another bottle so I could get a better feel if there is banana. Also I tasted hops on the finish.
M: Strong carbonation with a light body. Very crisp refreshing beer that is specifically made for the summer, but I could find myself drinking it any time.
D: EXCEPTIONAL drinkability is the only way to describe it. It's probably pretty easy to get caught up mowing the lawn or just relaxing in the yard and downing a 6 pack. With the low ABV, it would probably be hard to taste it also.
Two Thumbs Up!
S: Strong lemon and orange and what seems to smell like pine needles. It's truly a beautiful smell.
T: After smelling such a good smell I was worried that I was going to be highly disappointed by the taste. Definitely not the case! I was actually impressed that the taste was just as good as the smell! Definitely a dominating taste of lemon and orange. I also taste the pine needles that I smelled so I wasn't imagining it. Also, I can definitely taste some wheat and possibly banana. I would need to drink another bottle so I could get a better feel if there is banana. Also I tasted hops on the finish.
M: Strong carbonation with a light body. Very crisp refreshing beer that is specifically made for the summer, but I could find myself drinking it any time.
D: EXCEPTIONAL drinkability is the only way to describe it. It's probably pretty easy to get caught up mowing the lawn or just relaxing in the yard and downing a 6 pack. With the low ABV, it would probably be hard to taste it also.
Two Thumbs Up!
Victory Sunrise Weiss
A: Cloudy yellow color. Huge inch to inch and a half head. Fell apart fairly quickly and left some slight lacing.
S: The smell didn't blow me away. Just heavy on banana with a hint of lemon and wheat. Pretty standard though for Hefeweizens.
T: Light taste. Not as heavy on banana as the smell indicated. The lemon is also highly present. Actually the more I drink it, the more lemon I taste than banana. Not a bad taste, but I think I would like it a bit more if it were heavier on the banana and lighter on the lemon. There are some hints of spice and grain on the finish. Pretty fruity taste for the most part though which I did enjoy.
M: Feels pretty thick actually, but it's probably due to the above average carbonation which is nice for a change. The bubbly feel is great.
D: Drinkability is pretty good. I could drink a couple of these one right after another without having anything else in between.
Two Thumbs Up!
S: The smell didn't blow me away. Just heavy on banana with a hint of lemon and wheat. Pretty standard though for Hefeweizens.
T: Light taste. Not as heavy on banana as the smell indicated. The lemon is also highly present. Actually the more I drink it, the more lemon I taste than banana. Not a bad taste, but I think I would like it a bit more if it were heavier on the banana and lighter on the lemon. There are some hints of spice and grain on the finish. Pretty fruity taste for the most part though which I did enjoy.
M: Feels pretty thick actually, but it's probably due to the above average carbonation which is nice for a change. The bubbly feel is great.
D: Drinkability is pretty good. I could drink a couple of these one right after another without having anything else in between.
Two Thumbs Up!
St. Bernardus Witbier
A: Nice pure white head with an inch head. Great lacing. Sticking really nicely to the side of the glass. Nice golden orange color.
S: Sweet malty lemon. Maybe a little bit of light wheat and coriander.
T: Hands down one of the best Witbiers I've ever tasted. Classic grainy wheat taste with a bite of lemon. Perfect amount of citrus and spice.
M: Very light body. Uniquely high carbonation for a Witbier.. but if it ain't broke.. don't fix it!
D: So easy to drink. After the first mouthful, I said I could drink this beer all day like it was water.
"WOW!" sums this beer up perfectly.
Two Thumbs Up!
S: Sweet malty lemon. Maybe a little bit of light wheat and coriander.
T: Hands down one of the best Witbiers I've ever tasted. Classic grainy wheat taste with a bite of lemon. Perfect amount of citrus and spice.
M: Very light body. Uniquely high carbonation for a Witbier.. but if it ain't broke.. don't fix it!
D: So easy to drink. After the first mouthful, I said I could drink this beer all day like it was water.
"WOW!" sums this beer up perfectly.
Two Thumbs Up!
Flying Dog In-Heat Wheat
A: Deep gold. Slightly cloudy with no lacing. It's a very nice looking beer. I love the gold color.
S: Not a lot jumping out at me on the smell. Maybe a little banana and wheat.
T: Slight citrus taste. I definitely could taste the banana though. Also a little wheat and honey. This is my first Hefeweizen so if this is the normal, consider me a lover. Very slight alcohol taste at the end. Very light.
M: Very smooth and crisp. Low to medium carbonation.
D: This would be a great beer to drink on a summer day. Goes does very very easy.
Two Thumbs Up!
S: Not a lot jumping out at me on the smell. Maybe a little banana and wheat.
T: Slight citrus taste. I definitely could taste the banana though. Also a little wheat and honey. This is my first Hefeweizen so if this is the normal, consider me a lover. Very slight alcohol taste at the end. Very light.
M: Very smooth and crisp. Low to medium carbonation.
D: This would be a great beer to drink on a summer day. Goes does very very easy.
Two Thumbs Up!
Samuel Adams Imperial White
A: Foggy orange, small head that quickly dissipates. Medium lacing.
I liked the color though but I was surprised that it was so dark. That should have been the first warning to me.
S: Spicy, Citrusy and wheat... lets not forget alcohol. This thing reeks of alcohol.
T: Very alcohol taste to it. I can barely taste anything else. A little bit of citrus but the alcohol is slapping me in the face. Witbiers normally have a nice complex taste but all I can seem to taste is hot hot alcohol and coriander. A big big disappointment for me being a Wit fan.
M: Full and thick. Medium to high carbonation.
D: Not very drinkable due to the high ABV.
I think Sam Adams tried to outdue themselves with the 10.3 ABV. Take it down to the normal Wit % of 5ish and this is probably a good beer.
I drank probably 1/2 to 3/4s of it and then it got a drain pour.
It's just a rough taste that I don't like. The last sip made me gag and then I figured it was time to get rid of it.
Two Thumbs Down!
I liked the color though but I was surprised that it was so dark. That should have been the first warning to me.
S: Spicy, Citrusy and wheat... lets not forget alcohol. This thing reeks of alcohol.
T: Very alcohol taste to it. I can barely taste anything else. A little bit of citrus but the alcohol is slapping me in the face. Witbiers normally have a nice complex taste but all I can seem to taste is hot hot alcohol and coriander. A big big disappointment for me being a Wit fan.
M: Full and thick. Medium to high carbonation.
D: Not very drinkable due to the high ABV.
I think Sam Adams tried to outdue themselves with the 10.3 ABV. Take it down to the normal Wit % of 5ish and this is probably a good beer.
I drank probably 1/2 to 3/4s of it and then it got a drain pour.
It's just a rough taste that I don't like. The last sip made me gag and then I figured it was time to get rid of it.
Two Thumbs Down!
Magic Hat Circus Boy
A: Dark hazy golden yellow color. Bubbles slowly float to the top of the glass. Hardly any head nor lacing.
S: Various smells are present.. Lemon, Citrus, wheat and even a grassy type smell.
T: The taste is what you smell. Citrus-Lemon and what seems to be a bit of pineapple. It's got a pretty nice balance overall. I dig the spice towards the finish. The taste isn't bad.. but.. I feel like it's missing something. It doesn't leave me craving for more.
M: Very low carbonation if any at all. Very light. Crisp and refreshing.
D: Pretty drinkable brew especially during the summer. It just really doesn't leave me asking for more which is the problem.
Two Thumbs Down!
S: Various smells are present.. Lemon, Citrus, wheat and even a grassy type smell.
T: The taste is what you smell. Citrus-Lemon and what seems to be a bit of pineapple. It's got a pretty nice balance overall. I dig the spice towards the finish. The taste isn't bad.. but.. I feel like it's missing something. It doesn't leave me craving for more.
M: Very low carbonation if any at all. Very light. Crisp and refreshing.
D: Pretty drinkable brew especially during the summer. It just really doesn't leave me asking for more which is the problem.
Two Thumbs Down!
Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat
A: Hazy golden color
S: Blueberry, Wheat and Orange are the smells that really grabbed me.
T: Just like everyone else is saying... this beer really does taste like Fruity Pebbles cereal. It's really odd. This is a really fruity beer, doesn't really taste like your typical Wit in my opinion.
I'm not a HUGE fan of this beer.. but it's not terrible.. I could see how some people could be crazy about it though.
M: Slight hops. Nice fruity aftertaste
D: In the summer, you can go through case and case and case and case of this stuff. It's a really drinkable beer. When I first started to drink beers this was one of the first beers I was able to put down easily.
One Thumb Up!
S: Blueberry, Wheat and Orange are the smells that really grabbed me.
T: Just like everyone else is saying... this beer really does taste like Fruity Pebbles cereal. It's really odd. This is a really fruity beer, doesn't really taste like your typical Wit in my opinion.
I'm not a HUGE fan of this beer.. but it's not terrible.. I could see how some people could be crazy about it though.
M: Slight hops. Nice fruity aftertaste
D: In the summer, you can go through case and case and case and case of this stuff. It's a really drinkable beer. When I first started to drink beers this was one of the first beers I was able to put down easily.
One Thumb Up!
Long Trail Belgian White
Long Trail Belgian White
A - Cloudy yellow color, almost borderline gold. Very thin head that quickly dissipates. Very little lacing.
S - Lemon, Orange, Coriander... Pretty standard Wit smells.
T - Dominated by lemon. The wheat and coriander is found but limited. It's a very very highly dominated by lemon type Wit. I'm not a huge fan of the high on lemon brews so the taste doesn't wow me. But I could see some people totally loving it. It has a sweet finish taste though which I did like a lot.
M - Very low carbonation. Seems low atleast compared to other Wits.
D - Very drinkable on a nice summer day or to just switch up the normal Wits.
It's probably not a Wit that I would drink on a daily basis because I feel there are much better ones out there. But it's not awful and I will probably easily finish off the rest of the sixer.
One Thumb Up!
A - Cloudy yellow color, almost borderline gold. Very thin head that quickly dissipates. Very little lacing.
S - Lemon, Orange, Coriander... Pretty standard Wit smells.
T - Dominated by lemon. The wheat and coriander is found but limited. It's a very very highly dominated by lemon type Wit. I'm not a huge fan of the high on lemon brews so the taste doesn't wow me. But I could see some people totally loving it. It has a sweet finish taste though which I did like a lot.
M - Very low carbonation. Seems low atleast compared to other Wits.
D - Very drinkable on a nice summer day or to just switch up the normal Wits.
It's probably not a Wit that I would drink on a daily basis because I feel there are much better ones out there. But it's not awful and I will probably easily finish off the rest of the sixer.
One Thumb Up!
Victory Whirlwind Witbier
A: Pale yellow and foamy. Small one finger head with quick retention.
Decent lacing.
S: The oh so typical classic smell of bananas, cloves, coriander and citrus. I love it.
T: Solid and unexpected. I didn't think this was going to be better than average when it came to witbiers... but it turned out to be one of my top 5 definitely. It has a nice full smooth taste of citrus lemon, but the yeast and wheat comes in before it. It's a very nice balance.
M: Clean aftertaste with a pleasant carbonation that enhances the flavor.
D: A very drinkable witbier. It's quality. Try it.
Two Thumbs Up!
Decent lacing.
S: The oh so typical classic smell of bananas, cloves, coriander and citrus. I love it.
T: Solid and unexpected. I didn't think this was going to be better than average when it came to witbiers... but it turned out to be one of my top 5 definitely. It has a nice full smooth taste of citrus lemon, but the yeast and wheat comes in before it. It's a very nice balance.
M: Clean aftertaste with a pleasant carbonation that enhances the flavor.
D: A very drinkable witbier. It's quality. Try it.
Two Thumbs Up!
Ommegang Witte
A - Cloudy pale orange color. Pretty much the standard when it comes to witbiers. Nice fluffly head. Decent amount of lacing.
S - Coriander and other spice, along with citrus. Again standard.
T - Wheat base with mild citrus and coriander. In comparison to other witbiers it seems to have less of a spice but it's more balanced.
M - Thin and light with low carbonation. It's not watery though. I'd say it's almost perfect.
D - Very drinkable. It's probably not a session brew though. You wouldn't want to drink 6 of these. You'd feel it.
Two Thumbs Up!
S - Coriander and other spice, along with citrus. Again standard.
T - Wheat base with mild citrus and coriander. In comparison to other witbiers it seems to have less of a spice but it's more balanced.
M - Thin and light with low carbonation. It's not watery though. I'd say it's almost perfect.
D - Very drinkable. It's probably not a session brew though. You wouldn't want to drink 6 of these. You'd feel it.
Two Thumbs Up!
Allagash White
A - Nice cloudy white color. Standard for most witbiers. Nice solid white head.
S - Very lemony smell. Very! I was expecting a totally different taste because of such a strong scent.
T - Citrus upfront with a dry wheat finish and spicy! Orange, lemon, wheat and yeast. A perfect mix of all of them.
M - Light bodied and smooth.
D - Such a great witbier. I've recently become very partial to witbiers and this is definitely the best I have had thus far. It's nearly perfect in every way. If it weren't so expensive you'd probably be able to make a session beer out of it.
Two Thumbs Up!
S - Very lemony smell. Very! I was expecting a totally different taste because of such a strong scent.
T - Citrus upfront with a dry wheat finish and spicy! Orange, lemon, wheat and yeast. A perfect mix of all of them.
M - Light bodied and smooth.
D - Such a great witbier. I've recently become very partial to witbiers and this is definitely the best I have had thus far. It's nearly perfect in every way. If it weren't so expensive you'd probably be able to make a session beer out of it.
Two Thumbs Up!
Stella Artois
A- Yellow with no head. Might as well just be water.
S- Skunky and Lemony
T- It tasted just like it smelled. Weak... Skunky.. and Lemony. Damn you for giving us green bottles!
M- Weak.. Weak.. Weak. There isn't much to it. It's just.. blah. It just tastes watery, feels watery.
D- Pretty average when it comes to drinkability. It's no better or no worse than your Buds.. Millers.. and Coors
One Thumb Down
S- Skunky and Lemony
T- It tasted just like it smelled. Weak... Skunky.. and Lemony. Damn you for giving us green bottles!
M- Weak.. Weak.. Weak. There isn't much to it. It's just.. blah. It just tastes watery, feels watery.
D- Pretty average when it comes to drinkability. It's no better or no worse than your Buds.. Millers.. and Coors
One Thumb Down
Harp Lager
A - Golden Yellow with a head that quickly disappears.
S - Bitter with a 'skunky' type smell.
T - Bitter with some citrus and hoppy.
M - List and Crisp
D - I wasn't too impressed with the taste of the beer. You could definitely sit back and drink couple of them though.
Just not my kinda beer, I could definitely see some people totally diggin' it though
One Thumb Down
S - Bitter with a 'skunky' type smell.
T - Bitter with some citrus and hoppy.
M - List and Crisp
D - I wasn't too impressed with the taste of the beer. You could definitely sit back and drink couple of them though.
Just not my kinda beer, I could definitely see some people totally diggin' it though
One Thumb Down
Samuel Adams Boston Lager
A - Clear copper. Small head. Nice lacing left on the pint glass.
S - Strong smell of sweet roasted malts. A hint of citrus tossed in.
T - Very hoppy, with a slight spice. You can taste some caramel with some nutty taste.
M - Medium - heavier than most lagers.
D - This beer is very easy to drink and highly sessionable. Very smooth and probably one of the better lagers you can find.
One Thumb Up!
S - Strong smell of sweet roasted malts. A hint of citrus tossed in.
T - Very hoppy, with a slight spice. You can taste some caramel with some nutty taste.
M - Medium - heavier than most lagers.
D - This beer is very easy to drink and highly sessionable. Very smooth and probably one of the better lagers you can find.
One Thumb Up!
Samuel Adams White Ale
A(ppearance) - Hazy golden yellow color. Darker in comparison to other Witbiers.
Not much head nor lacing involved in this brew.
S(mell) - Spicy Hops. Not a real strong aroma.
T(aste) - Crisp Orange taste. Spicy tangy taste, stays true to the smell thats for sure. In all honesty, I think it's a bit too spicy and it floods out the other tastes.
M(outhfeel) - Very well carbonated. Could feel the bubbles all the way down. Almost has a borderline watery taste to it.
D(rinkability) - It's a pretty drinkable beer.. I'm just not crazy about it. It doesn't leave me hurrying for another sip.
One Thumb Down
Not much head nor lacing involved in this brew.
S(mell) - Spicy Hops. Not a real strong aroma.
T(aste) - Crisp Orange taste. Spicy tangy taste, stays true to the smell thats for sure. In all honesty, I think it's a bit too spicy and it floods out the other tastes.
M(outhfeel) - Very well carbonated. Could feel the bubbles all the way down. Almost has a borderline watery taste to it.
D(rinkability) - It's a pretty drinkable beer.. I'm just not crazy about it. It doesn't leave me hurrying for another sip.
One Thumb Down
Boddingtons Pub Ale
A - The cascading rocks.The beer pours a pale golden color with a beautiful creamy (cool whip almost) white head.
S - Nothing to grabby on the smell. Has a very pale dull smell to it.
T - The taste is very dull and uneventful. Almost watery. Infact I probably would have rather had just drank a bottle of water.. I wouldn't have spilled it all over when I opened it... and I'm convinced due to it being in the can, that's where you get this metallic aftertaste. UGH!
M - I was a little disappointed when I felt in my mouth. I thought it would be a lot creamier and heavier after I got a look at the head.
D - It's actually pretty drinkable because of the watered down taste.
I'd really like to drink this on tap though. I'm sure it'd be a much better way to taste it.
One Thumb Down
S - Nothing to grabby on the smell. Has a very pale dull smell to it.
T - The taste is very dull and uneventful. Almost watery. Infact I probably would have rather had just drank a bottle of water.. I wouldn't have spilled it all over when I opened it... and I'm convinced due to it being in the can, that's where you get this metallic aftertaste. UGH!
M - I was a little disappointed when I felt in my mouth. I thought it would be a lot creamier and heavier after I got a look at the head.
D - It's actually pretty drinkable because of the watered down taste.
I'd really like to drink this on tap though. I'm sure it'd be a much better way to taste it.
One Thumb Down
Hoegaarden Original White Ale
Appearance - Cloudy and pale with a yellowish white color too. (Almost looks like pee.. Haha!) Pretty nice head on it that dissipates quickly after pour.
Smell - Citrus like with a lemon and orange smell, mixed with banana with hints of wheat in the back. A pretty pleasant smell for the most part.
Just the appearance and smell alone were enough to make me want to drive right in.
Taste - Lightly sweet with lots of citrus and no hop up front, the middle brings out clove, cotton candy, some yeast, lemon, orange, a tinge of hops bitterness, the finish is dry, with lingering clove and faint hop notes along with persistent lemon.
Mouthfeel - Aftertaste is practically non existent. It's a very smooth brew.
Drinkability - It goes down smoothly and is light on the stomach. I could definitely drink these all night.
Definitely going to try to always keep a few of these stashed away in the fridge.
Two Thumbs Up! Definitely a must have.
Smell - Citrus like with a lemon and orange smell, mixed with banana with hints of wheat in the back. A pretty pleasant smell for the most part.
Just the appearance and smell alone were enough to make me want to drive right in.
Taste - Lightly sweet with lots of citrus and no hop up front, the middle brings out clove, cotton candy, some yeast, lemon, orange, a tinge of hops bitterness, the finish is dry, with lingering clove and faint hop notes along with persistent lemon.
Mouthfeel - Aftertaste is practically non existent. It's a very smooth brew.
Drinkability - It goes down smoothly and is light on the stomach. I could definitely drink these all night.
Definitely going to try to always keep a few of these stashed away in the fridge.
Two Thumbs Up! Definitely a must have.
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