Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Session Lager

Easy drinking, but never at the expense of character is the tag line for Session Lager.   Obviously with the name and the tag line they are pushing the fa ct that anyone can drink this beer and drink a lot of it.   Without even tasting or smelling this beer I can tell you it's going to be very similar to your average American Adjunct Lager.  Although it is actually classified as an American Pale Lager.

A little boring info from the website.

Original Session, with the bright red label, is a classic all-malt pre-Prohibition style lager that reminds us of what American lagers used to taste like. It's flavorful, refreshing, and has a touch of that import-style taste. (Which, once upon a time, you didn't have to buy an "import" to get.) Oh, and it comes in a stubby, 11-oz bottle like your grandpa used to buy. So after your next session (surf, jam, gab, whatever), crack open a Session and drink to the good old new days.

Named World's Best Premium Lager at the World Beer Awards and winner of a slew of other shiny trophies, Session has truly earned itself a place at the bar. Not to mention the barbeque.
ABV: 5.1% IBU: 18

With all of their talk, I can't wait to try this beer.  It seems like it's going to be the easiest beer to drink, ever.
As I've already referenced, it comes in a small 11oz bottle.  Reminds me of Red Stripe.  Hopefully this is more stomach-able. 
Hold the phones, it's a twister also.  Albeit a difficult twister.  Yikes.

A - Looks like your everyday adjunct lager with absolutely no head at all.  Also no lacing to speak of. Body is very pale straw and crystal clear with no bubbles at all.   It looks like colored water.  It does surprisingly leave lacing on the glass during consumption somehow.

S - Lots of grain up front with the initial smell.  A small dose of hops is present.  Not much going on here.

T - A small hop bite up front that is fruity and earthy,  followed by a very grainy malt taste. It's pretty simple and straightforward.  Very minimal aftertaste.  Although it's not complex at all, I feel myself wanting more of the taste instantly.

M -Full enough to not be watery, but not a heavy beer by any standards.  Light to medium bodied, and it sways towards the light side of things.   Heavier carbonation than I originally thought it would be which allowed it to have a lively characteristic.

D -  I don't know if I'm just buying into the hype of the name, but the drinkability is high.  It's highly refreshing and thirst quenching.  Totally living up to the name.  Session Lager is a session beer.

Grade - One thumb up.  It's not a great beer, but it's certainly not bad.   After seeing the beer and smelling it I feared the worst.   It bounced back with a decent taste which after all, is the most important thing.  I was pleasantly surprised.   I'd have Session Lager again.

Also here's a bonus picture.  It's the bottom of the cap.   Pretty sweet.

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