Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Schöfferhofer Hefeweizen

This is the last of the beers left to review that I had at the 2010 EPCOT Food & Wine Festival.  Sorry for the delay on it, but I actually forgot to review it.   I'm not sure how, but it got put off the side and I just now found my notes for it.  Sorry for a total lack of information on this one also.  EPCOT didn't have too much information on it at all and if they did, I don't remember anything they said about it.   I can't find out too much about it on their website either, I'm not exactly fluent in German.  The information I can offer though is that it's a hefeweizen (obviously) and it's 5% ABV.

A: , Extremely golden color.  Haven't seen any beers as bright as this one.   Murky and cloudy with little to no head.

S: The smell is of light banana, some clove, and some slight spice.

T:  Flavors of banana, bubble gum and wheat along with some hints of clove are about all you find in this brew.

M: It feels light to medium bodied with high carbonation.  Rather smooth though.

D: Thirst quenching and refreshing, as are most hefes in my opinion.

Grade -It's a one thumb up beer, I wouldn't kill someone to get my hands on it again, but I'm glad I tried it and would have it again.

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