Generally Sam Adams brews are very hit or miss for me. Some people love every single thing Sam Adams produces, but not me. I'm very opinionated when it comes to them. I wrote off Winter Lager before I even tried it simply because I generally don't enjoy dark warming "winter" beers. I saw the commercial and saw that it was described with citrus and cinnamon which intrigued me. I thought cinnamon in a beer would be pretty interesting and I love citrus, so I figured why not take a shot on this beer. My roommate and I were out and about at Downtown Disney and we were talking beer. He too was interested in trying this brew. We were finally able to find it after searching for about 30 minutes. Here's a picture of it, sorry for a poor shot.
A - Dark amber, almost brown color. Off-White creamy head that dissipates rather quickly leaving watery lacing on the glass.
S - A faint sweet caramel malt with a little bit of cinnamon. Not much of a true scent really present with this one.
T - Caramel and spicy up front which gives way to a dominate earthy hop taste. There's also cinnamon and ginger present towards the finish of the beer, but the true finish has a citrus flavor which becomes more noticeable as the beer begins to warm up.
M - Light to medium bodied with slight carbonation.
D - Pretty drinkable beer with only a 5.6% ABV. Although it does have a nice flavor, and the ABV isn't high. Due to the complexity of the flavor, I couldn't see myself drinking more than 2-3 of these in a sitting before I became sick of it.
Grade - Two thumbs up. This is a good beer. I have a hard time saying that consistently when it comes to Sam Adams, but this is definitely a good beer. The downside is it's seasonal from November to January. If you want it, don't hesitate. Hurry.
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