I normally stay away from stouts. Heck, I stay away from dark beers in general. I have no idea what persuaded me to try this beer. Maybe it was the cream title that was attached to it, who knows? Sam Adams says, "The cappuccino of beers. Roasty, smooth and sweet. Samuel Adams® Cream Stout is a true cream stout, balancing body and sweetness, with the natural spiciness of grain and hand selected English hops. Our brewers use generous portions of roasted chocolate and caramel malts as well as roasted unmalted barley to impart a fullness of body, a roasty malt character and rich, creamy head. Its dark, mahogany color makes it almost as easy on the eyes as it is on the palate." It's totally something under normal circumstances that is complete turn off to me. Even when the girl poured it, I laughed. I had no clue what I was getting myself into.
A - It was like looking into the night sky. Black like water in the Gulf of Mexico. Frothy and fluffy tan head with tons of lacing. Based on first look, it seems like a BIG beer that is going to be very filling. I was shocked it find out this was only 4.9% ABV based on the look.
S - Roasted coffee is the dominant scent in this brew. There's also hints of chocolate and caramel stuffed in here as well.
T - A chocolatey coffee taste hits the tongue on first taste. It's a pretty bold taste, but what surprised me is the sweet vanilla finish which I was a huge fan of. The sweet vanilla in the finish also gives way to a sweet milky taste.
M - Full bodied and creamy. Very little carbonation if any at all.
D - If you like the taste, it's a very easy beer to drink. Goes down without a fight. Due to the full taste and feel of the beer, I'm not sure you could drink a whole bunch of these. It's more of a dessert. One or two of these and you'll be full and satisfied.
Grade - I'll give it a thumb up. I don't know if this is a ridiculously good stout or if my palate is finally accepting dark beers. I'm just glad I went away from the ordinary and actually tried this beer. I was rewarded nicely.
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