Friday, January 21, 2011

Stone Levitation Ale

I don't have a lot of experience with Stone brews.   I believe the only one I've had was the Smoked Porter.   Although I didn't like it, I could definitely tell it was a well put together beer.  Stone is generally regarded as one of the better micro breweries, so I'm hoping this beer lives up to the high standards.   Right on the bottle Stone lists that Levitation is a gold medal winner at the Great American Beer Festival. 
According to the website, "It's been said that "Gravity Sucks." Simple enough. Well, we at Stone have identified gravitational forces in the beer world. And we have come to the conclusion that they, well, see above. So we avoid these less-than-desirable gravitational forces. We avoid dumbed-down flavor profiles and the vigorous pursuit of the lowest common denominator. We avoid big dollar marketing mentalities. We avoid additives, cheap adjuncts, stabilizers and chemical preservatives. So in the defiance of gravity we bring you Stone Levitation Ale. This deep amber ale has rich malt flavors, a big hoppy character, citrus overtones (courtesy of the hops and our special brewers yeast) and modest alcohol."
Levitation has 4 different hops, Columbus, Simcoe, Crystal & Amarillo.   I'm expecting a complex taste.  The ABV is 4.4% and the IBU is 45.

A:  Solid amber color with ruby highlights.  A one inch off white head sits on top and laces the glass very nicely.  Love the bottle though.   One of the things I love about Stone is the complexity they put into the appearance on their bottles.   It's great stuff.

S:  Pine hops dominate the scent.  Citrus and floral hops are also present.   Sweet malt is present on the back end of the scent.

T:  A very hoppy taste.  Pine and bitterness dominate the front of the taste but give away to a more fruity and smooth finish.   In my opinion there is a bit of a coffee malt present which helps to contrast the hop presence a bit.

M:  Light bodied, almost on the verge of it being water-like.  Based on appearance I thought this beer would be a bit heavier on the taste, and this part of the beer left me disappointed.   I think I would have liked it much more if it had more of a full character to it.   The carbonation is fairly good though.

D:  It's a very drinkable beer.   Low ABV and a pretty good taste.

Grade:   I'll be harsh, even though I didn't dislike this beer.   I'll say one thumb down for the simple reason that I wouldn't seek it out again.   I really felt like it was missing something as far as body goes.   It was a little weak for my liking.  But to actually put that into perspective, I'd probably give this beer a C+/B- rating.  It's definitely not bad. 

In comparison to the only other American Amber / Red Ale I've had to this point.. (Key West Sunset Ale)   This is better.

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