There's not a whole heck of a lot of information out there about Big Flats 1901. It's a fairly new beer that's the private label beer of the store Walgreens. Interesting enough just for those reasons, it's also cheap enough that it could rival PBR & MHL as far as drinkable cheap beers go. Big Flats 1901 will cost you $2.99 for a 6 pack. You can't beat that which is why I rushed to try it.. mostly just for giggles. The way I feel is this beer can't be any worse than Bud, Miller, or Coors so it's totally worth a chance, and I'm sure most people are going to feel the same.
There's very little actual information about this beer circling the internet at this point. All I really have to offer is that is it an American Adjunct Lager (obviously) and it has a 4.5% ABV. Also it's brewed by Genesee Brewing Company, which is better known for Genesee Cream Ale.
The can made me laugh.. "Brewed from only the choicest hops." "Genuine Brew" "It's the water that makes it."
Pretty nifty looking can though, in my opinion.
A: Light straw color with two fingers of white head. Pours a clear, thinly-hued, light straw body. A 2 to 3 finger puffy and bubbly white head initially sits on top of the beer but reduces to just a small ring around the glass.
S: Standard grain and corn is about it. Faint (understatement) spicy and earthy hops.
T: Very light and mild taste. Not a whole heck of a lot to it. Grains, corn, and spicy hops sum up the flavor very well in my opinion. Very watery/dry finish to this beer with a hint of bitterness.
M: Low bodied with medium carbonation. It's crisp and refreshing.
D: I didn't have a problem putting one down within a minute or too. The lack of a taste makes it really easy to drink. I'd challenge someone who doesn't like beer to drink one of these because I don't think they'd be able to say it's disgusting. I could see stashing a few of these away in the fridge for a warm summer day.
Grade: One thumb up. It's not a bad beer by any means. It's not something you'd seek out, but if you were at Walgreens or in the general area, why not pick it up? You won't be disappointed. I'd drink this over Bud, Miller, or Coors.
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