I've pretty excited to try Two Hearted Ale, I've heard some great things about it. I've also heard Bell's Brewery doesn't make a bad beer, and based on my experience with Oberon, I won't argue that. This being said, never have I been more turned off by a label on a beer before. Maybe that's why it's been sitting in my fridge for about 2 months now. Two Hearted Ale weighs in at a 7.1% ABV. This is an India Pale Ale which I'm still getting accustomed to, so I hope I can review it fairly.
A: A hazy golden, bordering on amber color. Fluffly off-white head and a decent amount of bubbles. A quick swirl reveals that the beer leaves a large amount of lacing on the sides of the glass.
S: Right off the bat a huge amount of floral hops blended with citrus hops are present in the scent. Smells like a pot of fresh cut flowers. As far as the citrus goes, definitely weighs high on the side of grapefruit with some slight lemon zest and mango. There's also some faint malt scent that can be picked up. The scent pretty much dares you to drink the beer. Definitely one of the most intoxicating scents I've ever experienced in a beer. I really can't get enough of the way this beer smells.
T: Very well balanced for an IPA. I hate the IPAs that are just overwhelming with a pine taste. The best way to describe the hoppy presence is, aggressive but not overpowering. Citrus hops dominate the front of this beer. A sweet soft grapefruit and mango taste is heavily present which gives away to a lemon/pine/malt finish. Very tasty, yet not a beer I want to pound. It's so tasty, I just want to enjoy it.
M: Medium bodied, with medium to high carbonation. Very crisp and refreshing.
D: This is a solid beer. It's not something I would want to drink all night due to all the different flavors present, but it's one fantastic brew.
Grade: Two thumbs up. Get your hands on Two Hearted Ale if you can.
So far Bells is 2 for 2.
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