Celebration Ale is a special ale for the holidays. Featuring the first hops of the growing season, this pioneering IPA is full of complex flavors and aromas from the generous use of whole cone American hops. At least, that's what it says on the bottle. I'm not really a huge fan of IPA's, or really much of a fan at all. So this beer is going to put my palate to the test. Although I do like citrus style IPA's and I cheated before I made the purchase, Celebration Ale has a citrus base. Due to it's above average ABV (6.8%) I'm going to dismiss this as a session beer before I even pour it/smell it/taste it etc.. This beer is a gold medal winner and yadda yadda. Ya know? The usual.
A: Dark ruby, almost copper-like color. Most likely best described as caramel colored. Nice frothy head and the lacing is out of this world. All over the glass.
S: Tons of citrus hop in the smell, but not to the point where it is too much. There's also a piney scent that lingers as well as some bready malts. Maybe a hint of caramel or my mind is playing tricks on me. Beautiful smelling beer.
T: At first, I get a very sweet citrus flavor, immediately followed by pine and bitter hops. The bitter taste does disappear rather quickly and leave with a caramel/bready taste. The end of the beer though finishes with bitterness coming back. The most distinct hop used it's definitely cascade (which give off the bitter citrusy taste).
M: Medium bodied with medium carbonation. A rich and smooth beer.
D: Very drinkable. You can put this beer down quickly and want to grab a few more. At close to 7% ABV I didn't think pre-taste that I would feel this way.
Grade: It's a shame that such a well rounded beer is a seasonal one. This is one of the beers you could enjoy all year around. Definitely a solid two thumb up brew. I wish I had bought more than just one.
Thanks for the review. I just saw a case of this beer in Target of all places for about $14. That's what I've been spending on six packs lately. So after reading your review I'll give it a try. Cheers