Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Southern Tier Hop Sun (Summer Wheat Beer)

A: Golden copper. Had a nice half an inch white head but it went away pretty quickly. Pretty nice lacing on the glass. I was surprised that.

S: Strong lemon and orange and what seems to smell like pine needles. It's truly a beautiful smell.

T: After smelling such a good smell I was worried that I was going to be highly disappointed by the taste. Definitely not the case! I was actually impressed that the taste was just as good as the smell! Definitely a dominating taste of lemon and orange. I also taste the pine needles that I smelled so I wasn't imagining it. Also, I can definitely taste some wheat and possibly banana. I would need to drink another bottle so I could get a better feel if there is banana. Also I tasted hops on the finish.

M: Strong carbonation with a light body. Very crisp refreshing beer that is specifically made for the summer, but I could find myself drinking it any time.

D: EXCEPTIONAL drinkability is the only way to describe it. It's probably pretty easy to get caught up mowing the lawn or just relaxing in the yard and downing a 6 pack. With the low ABV, it would probably be hard to taste it also.

Two Thumbs Up!

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