Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Coney Island Albino Python

A - Very cloudy dull golden color with a thin white head.

S - The smell was spicy. Couldn't even tell you what half of the scents were.. but I did smell a ton of ginger and citrus.

T - The taste much like the smell was all over the place. Up front and very in your face was the ginger which dominates the taste. There is also lemon stuck in there with a bunch of different flavors. It's hard just to put your finger on them. But the brew does go from really spicy to really sweet and fruity on the finish. It's definitely super interesting and complex on the taste.

M - Light to medium bodied. Highly carbonated like pop.

D - A very different beer in comparison to my usual, but shockingly it's very drinkable. I'm not saying you could go out and drink a keg of this but it's definitely easy to drink a couple glasses rather quickly.

As odd as this beer is, I like it.

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