I felt it would be fun to do a review of this type. I've never had PBR and I've heard mixed reviews about it for years. People love it, people hate it. Regardless, it's in the high 70s right now, I just got out of work, took a shower, and I'm sitting here sweating. Perfect time for a refreshing beer.
So.. here we are.. American Adjunct Lagers. Some of the finest beers in existence are of this type (HAR HAR) - - Budweiser, Miller High Life, Coors, Corona, Blue, Busch, classic.. tasty beers. Am I right? Pabst should be right up there on this pristine list of American staples.
I'm actually excited to try this beer, and I'm going to try to write a serious review on it.
A: Was actually surprised by the amount of head that accumulated on the pour. 10 seconds later though, as expected, it's all pretty much gone. Rather soapy looking head though. I'm shocked how see-through this beer really is. Pretty much looks like carbonated colored water. The color though is a very light yellow. Very light lacing left behind.
S: A lot of people say PBR reeks of an awful offensive skunky sour smell (I think those are just people trying to knock it.) I don't smell that at all. In fact I don't smell much at all... maybe some hops with a slight bread smell. That's about it.
T: Hoppy bitterness in the front. More hoppy than I thought based on the lack of a smell. The bitter hoppy front gives away to a dry almost wheat-like finish. Not a bad taste at all. Based on some horror stories I was expecting something a lot different. I'm not going to sit here and say it has this huge amazing flavor. It really doesn't. But if you take it for what it's worth and for what it is.. it's actually a pretty good flavor. So if you rate this against a Russian Imperial Stout, Hefeweizen, Tripel, etc.. you'll obviously be disappointed and say it sucks. If you put it against your average American Adjunct Lager, you definitely can't be disappointed with the taste.
M: Very light bodied. It's crisp and refreshing. Everything you could want out of this kind of beer.
D: On a nice warm day, you can get caught up drinking one after another. High drinkability mixed with low alcohol leaves you wanting more.
Grade: I can't find any real flaws with PBR. Obviously it wouldn't be my first choice, but I could definitely see myself having a few of these stocked in the fridge at all times when I just want a quick beer to drink. It's cheap.. (I think I paid $6 for 12pk) and it's decent. Can't really ask for more, can you? I mean for a beer that is so dirt cheap to buy, it's a quality deal. I would take PBR over BMCs any day, no questions asked.
I'm sure most of you guys have had PBR so I would love to get some feed back and some reviews possibly.
My grade.. and take it with a grain of salt.. I'm not telling you to rush out and start pounding PBR because it's such a high quality beer (although I'm sure most of you have had those experiences with it).. my grade is two thumbs up.
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