Chimay is an authentic Trappist beer that is brewed within a Trappist monastery, under the control and responsibility of the monastic community. Only 6 beers in Belgium can carry the appellation "Trappist": Chimay, Orval, Rochefort, Westmalle, Westvleteren and Achel. I haven't had very many Tripels, so the style is still something new to me. The only beers of the style that I have had are Victory Golden Monkey and La Fin Du Monde, so due to that, I don't have a heck of a lot to compare this beer to. I've been looking forward to trying this beer for quite sometime.
Tripels generally range from 8% to 12% ABV so although Chimay White is rather high in alcohol (8.0%) it's on the low end for a Tripel. The IBU is 36.
The glassware recommended for this tasting is a snifter or goblet. I have neither and feel foolish for using it, but, oversized round wine glass is going to have to do.
A: Hazy amber color with an off white head. Pours a one finger off white head that disippates to a slight wisp rather quickly. Very good sticky lacing on the glass is present.
S: Tons of yeast is present up front in the scent along with spicy hops. Banana is also present in the scent with helps offset the onslaught of spices and yeast.
T: More banana is present on the taste than the smell. Banana is present up front which gives way to a bready yeasty flavor. The beer has a rather dry and bitter hops finish to it. There's also a little bit of an alcohol induced warming sensation on the back end of the taste. There's hardly any aftertaste present besides the hops. It's got a very well balanced overall taste to it.
M: Medium bodied yet heavy on the carbonation which makes it rather difficult to drink quickly, which is a good thing due to that 8.0% ABV.
D: It's a tasty beer and the 8.0% doesn't jump out at you in the taste at all. It makes it a drinkable beer. Obviously it's not a beer you want to session, but it goes down fairly easy.
Grade: This isn't the best beer I've ever had, but I see no reason to not give it two thumbs up. It's well rounded and tasty. You can't ask for much more.