Monday, September 20, 2010


It should be no secret by now how much I love witbiers.   Time for another witbier review. 

Wittekerke is a beer I read about when I first started getting into beer, and more specifically wits.  I looked for it in Buffalo and I was disappointed that I wasn't able to find it.   I came across it down here in Orlando and I decided, just based on hearing it was a good beer, that I would check it out.

I can't read their website because the brewery is based in Belgium..  yeah..

Just a little background info on the beer ...
WIT-style: A true WIT beer must be made of at least 25 % wheat malt in combination with barley malt. Belgian WIT beers are naturally cloudy since they are unfiltered.

WITTEKERKE charms you with its own character, smooth taste and a unique delicious aroma. A very pleasant drink, light in alcohol with a crisp and refreshing flavor. WITTEKERKE is always served cold, but in taking your time to enjoy it, you will find more flowery and spring flavors towards the end of your glass. Although the hoppy bitterness is an underlying taste, it is never dominant. Perfect white head.

WITTEKERKE is a fictitious name for a typical Flemish town, like we find hundreds of villages in Flanders with a name ending on KERKE (church) or KAPELLE (chapel). WITTE means white in English, thus the translation of the name is WHITE CHURCH. The Bavik brewery has since a long time brewed its own authentic WIT beer under the "Bavik Wit" label, but the brewery chose to change the name in cooperation with the producers of the Belgian sit-com "WITTEKERKE", airing twice a week in prime-time on the Belgian TV channels. The actors drink WITTEKERKE during the show.

WITTEKERKE is now the best selling WIT beer in Belgium off-premise, and was voted several years in a row the best Belgian WIT beer by Belgian beer connoisseurs.

FOOD COMBINATIONS: this refreshing light beer is mostly consumed with snacks at receptions and parties, or just as an excellent thirst quencher any time of the day. WITTEKERKE is the right choice with a very spicy Carpachio, with white fish, scallops or a fresh salad. An omelet dish will also make a good combination. Cheers.

It's also a 5% ABV

I'll be sampling it out of a can.   Let's get to it.

A - Very light opaque yellow colored.  I had a non existent head although I have read reviews that have reported a 2 finger head.   Too each his own, maybe it has something to do with me pouring out of a can.

S - Really isn't much of a scent to this beer.   Some mild grain, that is about it.   Not pleasant, but not a turn off.  It's just... there.  The more I smell it the more I smell some faint spices also.

T - Similar to how it smells.  It's a real soft, mild taste.  It's lacking a real punch, although it's not bad.   Some very light sour grain.    Also faint citrus taste is present.  On the finish there is some metallic bitterness but not enough to really make any kind of impact in the taste.   It might even be a bit of a stretch to say it has any real metallic taste.   I'm very disappointed on the taste of this beer because I was hoping for so much more.   It just seems to be weak and lacking all over.

M - Very light bodied with medium carbonation.   Very similar to your standard macro beer.

D - Very easy to drink a bunch of them based on how smooth it is.   But with a lack of taste, it really doesn't leave me wanting more.

Grade:  One thumb down.  Not a bad beer, but it wasn't something that I would jump at to drink again.